you're absolutely right. there's no christmas in the army, colonel. there's always a slip-up or two during a change in command. the men get a little loose. but i know i'm leaving them in good hands. goodbye, sergeant. take the short cut. joe, you know that, and i know that, but the new general doesn't know it. or he won't for about an hour and a half. yes. isn't he lucky? captain wallace, button your shirt. you're out of uniform! this division is now under the command of general harold g. carlton, and i don't want anyone to forget it -- not that he'll let you. he's tough -- just what this sloppy outfit needs. you'll be standing inspection night and day -- you may even learn how to march. and if you don't give him everything you got, i may come back and fight for the enemy. merry christmas! well -- i guess that's about it - uh - uh --