he's awful cute. canton, ohio wasn't so much. nobody'll ever be cute enough to break up this sister act. we saw your show at the matinee, and we liked it very much. we're booked in vermont. is that where you come from - st. paul? i come from canton, ohio. oxygen tent? oh no! i'd love to. the name is judy. they're both very cute, aren't they? uh huh. i like them both. oh, we'll never meet them again, what does it matter? you're very flattering, but he was doing all the leading. we might, we're on the same train. yes. the sheriff! i've never been arrested! we couldn't have dropped a cigarette because we don't smoke. we left the money for our bill in an envelope on the bed. what are we going to do now? we wouldn't want you boys to get into any trouble. you didn't steal the police car? i haven't been on ice skates in years. i don't understand it. oh, no! are things that bad? your floor show. gee. no wonder we won the war! thank you. gee, i wish there were something we could do to help. the moon! i can't get over the moon up here. the size of it! they'll never prove it to me. and everything smells so beautiful. what is it - pine or fir? you know your trouble, betty? you're not romantic. everything's so wonderful here, so pretty, so exciting, i can't understand how you stay frozen up. let yourself go, go, like me! what do you mean? neither. it's the same. no one is going to break up our act. the way phil dances, and he's funny. it's easy to see yourself married to him. he's different, deeper, and he's funny, too. it'd be nice to be married to both of them. if i was catherine the great, that's what i'd do. phil in the daytime, bob at night. or should it be the other way around? phil'd be more fun in a night club, but eventually a girl wants a pipe and slipper fellow. that's bob, smoking a pipe and petting a cocker spaniel. still, phil could learn to smoke a pipe. breaking a fellow in to suit you is something every girl should go through. i hear it's half the fun. which one do you like better? betty? betty? are you asleep? nothing is the matter. some people dance closer than others. i didn't know he was going to make that announcement, i swear i didn't. he had no right to do that. that doesn't matter. we're not going to break up our act. when did you get this offer? why didn't you mention it before? where is the telegram? yes, i do. oh, betty! i'm sorry! i misunderstood! betty left something for you. she said to give it to you after she left. it's on the piano. phil, what's happened to you? we were rehearsing for the show tomorrow night. what are you doing here? what happened at the carousel? good night, phil. good night, bob. that's how i started in canton, ohio. keep your guard up. that ain't coolidge out on that porch.