what's the weather forecast down at the post office? if we don't get snow soon we can turn this hotel into a haunted house. we haven't had a guest for three weeks. your grandfather's written washington asking if he can get back in active service. i think he wants to fly jets. he says older men have been called, and besides, he misses the food. i tell you, susan, he tried to make it a casual letter, with little jokes, but it came out just begging. i don't know. don't let on we know he's written. he'll start in i'm only his housekeeper and that i found out through some chicanery or something. like any housekeeper -- i read the carbon paper. bring him the mail. welcome to columbia inn. how do you do? what kind of accommodations would you like? we can give you a fairly wide choice--any room in the inn, including mine. oh. we take it in during the day! make us an offer. i'm afraid we won't be able to use you. we'll pay you the half salary for canceling. we're using the ski-tow to hang the wash on. you're not going to stay either, are you? he got it in a shrewd business move. don't worry -- i've already told them we'd have to cancel. last time i looked. but who are they going to sing to? it was nice, if you like music. that's really nice of you. now let's get that in writing. light-horse harry. advance, advance, never retreat! he's advancing right into bankruptcy. i happen to know he's sunk his life's savings into this place. i read the carbon paper. i can't believe it! you mean you brought the whole show up here? his pride. when he decides he's going into bankruptcy he likes to go. guinea pig? if it's a love song, don't get too close. i think it's just wonderful -- there will be a celebration of the forthcoming event tonight after the show! mr. wallace -- gonna miss your train! we've been waiting for you. his old outfit. if i wasn't such a mean old biddy, i'd probably break right down and cry. you've only got two. very well. i'll explain to bob and phil that you didn't care to come to the show tonight. you don't mind being ungrateful, you just don't like being told you are! they haven't done much for you. hardly anything. you do what you think is right! it took 15,000 men to take my place! you frightened me to death! that bell hasn't been used for three months! yes, sir!