hello. oscar. we'll have to go to new york -- four days and four nights of rehearsals -- that's stealing money? let's get out tonight. what are we going to do until one- thirty? eat, eat all you think of is your stomach! it's a kind of new dance number. i'm looking at them! we're going in the wrong direction. what other kind is there? 'the stewart sisters.' sister act! you were sneaky enough to take it. i haven't much luck with sister acts. they're all alike. shall i tell you what these two are like? four feet two inches tall. pudgy. round races. have big bows in their hair. always smiling. lots of teeth. sister acts have more teeth than anybody else. two, three hundred teeth at a time. the american dental association is investigating it. say, dolores! that's dolores! remember that girl i told you about who got sick in st. paul? that's her! the girl in the oxygen tent! i told you about her! the road company of "student prince." the whole company went to church and prayed for her! it was the most touching thing i've ever seen in show business. hello, mister novello. miss stewart, mister wallace. miss stewart, mister wallace. 'bye. where are you going to be for christmas? vermont? what's there? thank you. oh, it's nothing. may i have this dance? i'm not going to keep calling you miss stewart. what a pretty name! lightest girl i ever saw. floats like a bubble. one big bubble. what for? i just sat down. train? oh no! can't we go tomorrow? lady bubble, i have an idea we're going to meet up again sometime. no. never stopped dancing. there's nothing to it! the old burned rug routine. got a flash? why not? maybe we'll all wind up in the same cell. ma, unhook my bra! pete! are you the sheriff here? you ever see any of them? in a captured brewery. very sensible, giving a party in a brewery. cuts out the middleman. we were lucky in one thing - the old man. he's a crook! burned a hole in a rug and is trying to hold up two kids. do you think we can make it? no, no. friend of ours. ice? you mean the stuff in a scotch and soda? bob, how about snow for christmas? come on, bob, we could have a great week up in vermont. all right -- so it's just for a couple of days. don't you want me to enjoy the winter sports? the thing i like about you, bob, is you're not only kind and generous, you're handsome. are you sure this is the right vermont? bob, i was thinking we ought to - oh, sir! a janitor! that's just the way he was in the army. always thinking of the other fellow. then he woke up, and nobody slept for the next forty-eight hours. you got a flash? shhh! ticking away madly. wheels within wheels. this is the brain that, in darkest italy, devised a formula to make food out of k-ration! shhhhhh! incidentally, how much will this cost? you mean flat? wheels within wheels. it's nice how you take care of the money for both of us because you're older and so level headed. i wonder where i'd be now if hadn't saved your life? no, no. let's go through the gesture. if you had been on the titanic when it went down, you wouldn't've been satisfied just to sink into the ocean. you'd have done a swan dive into it. with me on your back! and you can't get out of it. we've got lawyers. why not? oh no! we're bringing the show down here to rehearse! of course we don't expect it free! you didn't expect a girl that pretty to kiss you because she wanted to? i'm his partner. i'm entitled to half the credit. she's not as grateful as her sister. well, sir. we have this show, and we laid off for the holidays. you see, business was bad. yes sir. well, so we figured as long as we had the opportunity we'd do a little rehearsing. right here. that's what we said. ideal. oh, what guests there are in the other hotels. they're pretty bored here without snow, and a new york show's kind of a novelty in vermont. yes sir, and we also took the girls twice around the town for a little run. they were stiff from the train. in their practice clothes. it'll come to you, sir. we wouldn't be any good as generals. he was an officer, sir. i'll walk you over. see you later. don't make them too tight. i wear size 12. obviously you're going to call the boy after me! i've been dancing with her! that's more important! the baby'll be named after me! the dancing was more important! after me! how about judy, she knows all the routines, she could pick it up in no time. what are you talking about? don't you want me to breathe? what's gotten into you? and you were running. what made you stop? that's it, eh? unless it belongs to someone else, a girl doesn't - ouch! what's the matter? this isn't the way you dance. yes, that's true. i'm one of the close ones. that's my type. and once you've caught him, don't ever let him go. ladies and gentlemen, i would like to make an announcement. it is my pleasure to identify the man who has been doing the chasing. i am him! - or he! - or it! anyway, judy has caught me. what i'm trying to say is, we're engaged. i've been looking for you, judy. well, everything's fine now! good, judy. now the same as the middle part. betty get off all right? what's the matter? don't get what? who? me? no, of course not. well, stop worrying about it. when i ask you for a date just turn me down. come on, judy. judy thinks my eyes are soulful. do you think my eyes are soulful? you have no poetry in you. it's about time you went in for girls, too. after all, you haven't many years left for that sort of thing. wheels within wheels, eh? well, live it up, pops. eat, drink and be merry -- is that why you're leaving for new york? business, business. glad to be rid of you. you're not in the girly mood. well, i'd know enough not to get up. for her i'd get up. bob, just leave it to me! he won't get near a set if i have to break a leg. goodbye, bob! now everybody pay close attention. ow! ow! ow! my leg is broken! ow, ow! ow! ow! it's broken! it's broken, sir. i can feel it. ow! ow! it's broken in two or three places! don't leave me! everything is going round and round! now they're going sideways! now they're going in and out! where am i? the old man's asleep! let's keep him that way! hi, bob. everything's under control. i mean with the show. we've got a lot of new material. you both are going to have to do a lot of rehearsing. i mean the other kind of rehearsing - i mean - rehearsing well, good night, judy. let's get out of here before the gossip starts. pants always shrink in closets. i know what i'm going to do. i'm going to take one big deep breath, and that's going to be it for the next three hours. and wasn't it awful the way they kept bothering us for american cigarettes? why, i must have taught fifty girls how to smoke. nine hundred and fifty two. fore! who are we kidding?