turn it off. `us attorney noonan is accusing the los angeles police department in general, and lt. david klein in particular, of murder at worst, gross incompetence at best' -but time, a mandate and new targets. i need to speak to the lieutenant alone. describe to me your duty, as you understood it, regarding sanderline johnson and reuben ruiz. -and why did i choose you for this? -because your a thug with a law degree. because i thought by now you'd be so indebted to this department for not indicting and. or * imprisoning you, that diligent, honest discharge of duty would be assured. and i made a horrible misjudgment. * bob's happy because he wants to be state attorney general and his most likely opponent will be welles noonan. tom's happy because morton diskant, who's leading their city council race, is endorsed by noonan. thus, they're not seeing the larger play. noonan's new target will likely be the lapd itself. because that's where i would aim: a subpoenaed federal witness plummets to his death in the company of two lapd detectives? this screams police corruption. * this offers noonan the possibility of payback in the form of national headlines. my friends would be more interested in this. coroner's preliminary: white paint chips found embedded in sanderline johnson's scalp. a matching dent on the white window sill. i checked with the hotel switchboard and found a call was patched to your room at about the same time johnson flew out of it. it shocks and sickens me that your allegiance to the chicago mob would take precedence over the lapd. the appearance of disciplinary measures taken against you are mandated post-sanderline johnson, * so your suspension will be recorded but sealed. and kept quiet for now- * -we can provide adequate proof of your dismissal. just on paper. since i misjudged the cop i thought you were, i'm going to leverage the cop that you are. morton diskant is to be removed from the city council race. the means and methods implemented to that end i will entrust to you. -or spend the next month in lock-up * before being arraigned on charges * of gross misconduct and dereliction * of duty. the preamble before you * face life in prison for murder. * diskant works saturdays. late. -you know who hector magdalena is? he's missing. his home was broken into at some point within the last hour. the only thing taken was him. wilshire station is on-scene. get over there right now. call it penance. -that makes one of us. 1284 south * tremaine. update. family? describe their state. alright, kick everyone out. including all police personnel. don't question me. is your partner on hand? have him bag and seal everything and bring it to wilshire station. find tommy magdalena post-haste and take him into custody. no apb's, nothing to alert noonan and the fbi to this situation. -no more information over an open * line. i'll be at the bethune event later on today. find me there. -no. we can't risk that. do you * make him for the murderer? do you suspect either of the women? * verify that. where is your partner? keep him on that. he had excellent ratings as an evidence teacher and * i trust him more than you. find tommy magdalena. focus everything on that effort & i want him apprehended klein, not killed. and most likely dead. find the son. * stakeout the residence. put tails on both the mother and daughter -- i want this investigation working quietly, and around the clock. -don't worry about dan wilhite. you deal directly with me. now go out the back. i don't want the press recognizing you. what are you doing here? progress on magdalena. is that who knocked you out? he's having you tailed then. that's immaterial. * until tom bethune votes on the floor of the city council in two days, ratifying the official start of construction on dodger stadium- don't be dramatic, it looks weak. right now, noonan needs a pursuit, so i supply him with one- * -you've been drawing him off. and the more he sees you the less he'll think of anything other than getting you. now find tommy and * take him alive. do not let noonan * get to him. as a potential major * case witness against the lapd, * tommy magdalena isn't just a powder- * keg, he's an atom bomb. * -this area has long been rife with crime and venality, but with a brand new stadium, we can make this horrible blight a bright spot and give our los angeles dodgers the home they deserve. reuben ruiz can tell you of his travails growing up in this horrible slum and why now is the time to `redeem the ravine.' -welles noonan is an unscrupulous hack politician whose smear campaign against us will fail, for he has grievously underestimated the moral rectitude of the los angeles police department. now if you'll excuse me, i'll leave you with reuben ruiz. how? why would he investigate me? where is stemmons? i'll issue an a.p.b. saying stemmons is a known deviant targeting kindergarten children. how do y- exposing the corrupt parts of the lapd will redeem the whole. i'll prove that police can police themselves- no cop will testify against other cops. this is why wilhite has suddenly disappeared. there are other forces at work here. faces we need to identify. names we need to know. a third party. no. it ensures our mutual destruction should you choose to share the contents of that stemmons file. which i know you won't do until you figure out how it will best benefit you. who? where? why are you here? things like? this body is in your possession? what will this cost? doubtful. wilhite's body. bury it. police unit run amok, who's long tradition of graft, does not extend to other divisions of the lapd.