we should make our move now. i don't wanna be here when noonan and the feds show up. we gonna let rock-a-bye fight too- -you're under arrest. c'mon-jesus-he's right there! -he sees us! -mind your tone, shitbird. we get to spend time alone now. you got a birthday coming up. on the 16th, right? how old? just notes. about work- mostly compare and contrast stuff. street work versus textbook- so you think noonan will come after you for the sanderline thing? he seems like a real hard charger. what? holy jesus. is this true? he should suck his dick. y'know? put the icing on it. tell me that wouldn't sell it. plus he's a communist. no one touch a thing `til i say. dave- all i've been doing- -what department? -black and mexican- except for the son's: tommy. * how do you know that? you make a family member for it? tommy? do you want to issue an apb? entirely. where are you going? everything worthwhile. that this was a random drug seizure. i'm not using names and i'm number coding everything. a load of interesting stuff too. i got unregistered fire-arms, more dope than i've ever seen, and some mail from business associates that seems hinky. we should follow up- * * -here, this one, `hurwitz holdings' * hector had some real estate dealings- * how do you solve a case when the evidence is in bags? i'm making notes separate from- -i thought we were investigating magdalena's disappearance- no. sure, lieutenant. * that's mine. you needed some * mopping up. i did. i got there at eleven like you said, right as two black & white's pulled up: you were out * cold in a gutter `round the block. * did noonan knock you out? the captain was the only one here at this hour. * no fingerprints. clean crime scene. canvassed the neighborhood. a senile neighbor did report a possible peeper- she knows someone watches? i give you the shirt off my back * and you bash me! * i made a file on the bledsoe broad. the one you asked about. i spent a whole day putting it together and this skirt's got skeletons. shoplifting in bakersfield at 17. prostitution arrest at 21. known associate of a kern county homicide victim, this convicted pimp named dwight gillette, probably her pimp. stabbed to death in his home, weapon never recovered- why is it not important? -what about magdalena? -is ainge related to this cunt? dave? * dave! * stay right here. i'll get it all and come back. don't move. motherfucker -- you better meet me! that cooze you threw everything away for is still cooked! i got the knife. i got ainge- i got everything on you! and i'm gonna use it! the knife for my file on bradley. i know you already burned that whore's but don't think i can't re- do investigations. fuck noonan. i got stronger allies. meet me in one hour with that file, fern dell park- be there with bradley's file or i scratch your scabby bitch. just you! you fuck! there's your knife klein! i hope the bledsoe whore was worth it'cuz she's still fucked. for a crooked cop, you think small.