i wouldn't have expected so public a showing after sanderline johnson. i'm sure he did. and where is your young partner this day? might the job involve the lapd's most important missing wetback, hector magdalena? i've known stemmons since the academy. he was a top pupil. a * peculiar little pain in the ass, but very good with details. i'm puzzled as to why the bradley would assign you to the magdalena * case when you're neither homicide nor robbery. he does know how to delegate doesn't he. and also i'm sure that poor negro's nosedive has put you squarely in his debt. keep me abreast will you? chief parker is understandably nervous. situations like these tend to yield grief. and we've the fbi poking * around our garden patch. * ice. bradley's on his way down. of course you can. chief. the lieutenant was thirsty. doing some ad hoc dope seizures for dan wilhite. still love taking the occasional door down. we're of a common bloodline boy-o. parker appreciates bradley's political skills. and the addition of a professional ball-club to our fare city fulfills his own personal mandate of a cleaner, brighter, la. stale milk to me too. and how are you faring? is our visiting u.s. attorney still in hot pursuit? your young partner called me at my home, early this morning. heavily inebriated. speaking inarticulately of `betrayal,' & how the lapd was set to be `blitzed by justice.' is this the `bind' of which we spoke earlier? and his apartment -- there was some type of disturbance? a fire? only that he was in possession of materials that might deeply damage chief bradley. and yourself. let me try to locate the lad first dave. be a shame to ruin such a young career so soon. not much with these sub-rosa things. bradley's greatest stroke was enlisting you to his side. when did you know? he was offering to exonerate hector and clear his criminal record. hector met with wilhite and i to inform us of his decision. to accept bradley's deal. and although the terms of that deal worked well for him. i found them less than favorable. darktown. chavez ravine. hot spots for human vice. these are slums i run & profit from. if these slums suddenly become stadiums, that profit goes elsewhere. that crime goes elsewhere. i was aware of his sexual predilections. we share an eye for human frailty and we're both born blackmailers dave. i knew young stemmons here had a fondness for lads, stretching back to his days at the academy. i don't want to watch. i'm sorry it came to this, dave. this isn't it! poorly played dave. poorly played. could i talk you into something? cut you in on something? give me a minute then? okay.