lieutenant dave klein. slayer of * sanderline johnson. y'got stones * showing up this far south. * tommy mag wanted to make sure i understood something he was saying. left an hour ago. emptied my safe. to what? you looking for him? too white to appreciate good grass. * muthafucker -- there is a god. if only i'd known this an hour ago. i don't let him, he just does. nails on a chalkboard too. he rushed the stage last week when we had charlie mingus drop in for a set. mingus looked at this half-mex * greaser kid trying to play `round * midnight,' said that fool couldn't * find them keys with a flashlight.' hallelujah. around four. him and these pachucos * poppin' switchblades like punks. the only thing that was keepin' him * `untouched' was hector. * is he really dead? * i don't feature tommy for it. * yeah, but he ain't got the salt * to truly take a man's life. * especially not hector's. he was * scared of him. * drugs. especially here in south central. hector ran it uncontested. lotta cats gonna rush in now, try to plant a flag. * tommy couldn't hold his pecker without hector's help and he knows * that. he's gonna bury himself like * a tick. good luck turning him up, * he took six or seven grand out the * safe tonight. dave? girl that works here, gigs the late sets, the torch stuff fridays and * saturdays, name of tilly hopwell. * i think she's been truckin' with tommy mag. got pipes like ella but she's a junk fiend: caught her * mainlining in the ladies room a month back. * dunno, but when he'd get drunk, * he'd trade horse for blowjobs out * back a' the club. * didn't show up for work last night. * called a friend of hers, a waitress that works here too, said she was * at bido lito's in hollywood. said * she was `hiding out.' then she got off the phone. fast. if tilly's running with that demon, * you gotta get her out of there. she * got a lot more good in her than not- *