that's for sanderline johnson. -what were you firing at? -write that name down: `magda-lee- na' or `magda-lay-na.' no, we were after you. but thanks for the name. drop him. i only want to bring him in when i know he'll never leave. breaking and entering, theft, and willful destruction of private property. and i'll add attempted murder to the current first degree murder charge i'm about to file against you. where are the files you stole from sergeant richard stemmons. oh i don't need his testimony klein. i'll just force yours. sanderline johnson, your links to sam giancana to mickey cohen, extortion, bribes, murder-for-hire. i'll put you in every pair of cross- hairs i can find. i'll torch everything you've ever touched. you have no idea how deep i run klein. and how far i'm willing to go to fuck you- you're all angles and graft klein. why trust a god damn word that comes out of your- prelims: drug pusher gone missing, presumed dead, we're investigat- and? i don't believe you'd turn. treacherous yes, traitorous no. tell me where stemmons' files are. you're not leaving here klein. i'll take it. what happened to wilhite? like sanderline johnson? get me stemmons files and wilhite's body by noon tomorrow. agreed. after a judge signs it. now leave. we wait for him to deliver, then we arrest him. you never saw that agreement. no. let him get comfortable. let him believe me.