why are you here? -fuck off. this is handled. and pull your idiot partner out of there- -magdalena was my snitch, so it's my scene. guard dogs are dead. magdalena's missing. i could give a shit. i just want to this case to get a quick burial. some old broad heard an `argument' and buzzed wilshire station. * the wife and daughter were in santa barbara. just got back. what do you think they were * fighting about? santa barbara wasps * don't fancy dope-pushing wetbacks. tommy. make him your #1 suspect. he's got a mean streak. and he and * hector had been at each others throats for months. have tommy * picked up. he likes to loaf at * those nigger jazz joints in watts. * get a conviction. grab tommy and pin this thing fast or you'll have a whole division of disgraced cops at your front door. you queered the fed's fight probe by killing that boxer and they already had a hard-on for the lapd- * bradley sent you down here as damaged goods. think about it. everybody sees what's coming. now close this quick. -god damn you! * -i'm going to the review board and have you cited for- i have no fucking idea what you're-