she cleans up. we'll have her ship shape before we shove off. it means if he catches anybody basket-napping on watch this passage, he's gonna use their lizard for 'cuda' bait. drop your gear, go below and pick yourself some bunks. alright, listen up. this is dr. alice sheldrake. george pascal here is ship's cook. some of you already know mr. lawford. roll out sailors! all hands on deck! sixty seconds. sixty seconds. you gotta problem goodall? just get on deck. line up! single file. single file. everybody swims. now what's the problem, goodall? everybody swims. everybody swims. now, i've been in twice. so i guess i'll be eating your breakfast too. skipper on deck! okay, here's the duty. gieg, weathers, lapchick, schucart: scrape and paint. corry and stricklin have the brass. robinson, you're the galley slave. march you're on chain gang with barnes. johnston, solo on bilge detail. you came back, tod. you came back. yes, sir. raise the main! "when the sun came up there was whisky in the cup" "not one of us was a sober" outer jib! mr. lawford, stand by to ease the mainsheet. rick, get on the jib sheet. george, john, philip, tim and dick go aloft to unstop the forecourse. george will show you what to do. tod, show your men the forward pinrail and stand ready on the buntlines and clewlines. forecourse first. work upward. unstop the squares! raise the inner jib! raise the forestaysail! all stop on the engine! i didn't know sir. skipper, uh, the crew is pretty much doing group boot over the side. we've got weather moving in from the west. everybody down! on the double!! come on in!!! good morning, ladies. what's wrong? well, we need it. i want to take a nice long bath and catch some water for my laundry. you got it. i'm going below. get out!! everybody out!! maybe we could wait around a little longer, sir. yes sir. it wasn't his fault mister. we're all going to have to testify. they're going to try to take his license. it was coming four points off the bow, terry. he never could have gotten her around. it was an act of god for christ's sake. it's okay, tod. what? skipper called us out of the rigging. my instinct was to not get electrocuted. fifteen. what do you mean? when the sun came up, there was whisky in the cup, and not a one of us was sober.