i was just thinking that i never had a new pair of shoes till i was twelve. it's not a vacation, it's private school. that's not why he's sending me. because it looks good. i'm just not like you. ya know? i'm never going to go to yale. i'm never going to be "william". he does. i won't. no, i didn't. me too. i don't feel like driving. okay? yes. look, i just better go. goodbye mom. i'll be okay. yes sir. yeah. gieg, chuck. whatever. what the "bowsprit affair"? what happened to it? maybe it's an air raid. jesus. yes sir. ah. northeast. sir. northeast sir! yes, sir. it was my fault. i slipped. face what? how ya doing? good. i just brought you something to eat. i feel like i got you into this. i'm used to spending a lot of time alone. i guess that's what i thought it would be out here. but, it's not is it? it doesn't matter. really. i'm just sorry you got chewed out. well, i wouldn't worry. it'll all be there when we get back. that a. storm, skipper? would you, um, say it's a big storm? shouldn't we turn away? if it's all the same, i'd like to stay on deck. toss me a cola. what?!! come on you guys, this isn't funny! yeee haaaa!!!!! do what? that's like wondering if your mom and dad do it. who wants to know? what do you mean? no way! i walked in on my parents one time. it was only like eight o'clock and they were in bed and i thought that was kinda weird so i just walked in. so i'm standing there and you could hear a pin drop. no breathing or snoring. suddenly it hits me that somethin' was goin' on that just stopped, really fast, like people are holding their breath. my mother says in this really low, but very awake kind of voice "what?" i said "sorry, wrong room" and walked away. i don't remember. how do you know? they might. yeah. we better get back. depths of hell. ohio. how 'bout you? well, and it's pretty cool too, ya know? bein' here together an all. it was a bad dream. here's the thing; whenever you're having a nightmare, all you have to do is say 1-2-3 wake up! you'll be out of it. you'll wake up. my dad. swear to god. only good advice he ever gave me. now, go back to sleep. you okay now? who? jesus, you never told them? you think george'll miss the bottle? "if it doesn't move, throw it overboard. if it's too big to throw overboard, screw it!" alright. everybody just stay cool. we'll figure this out. shut up, phil. where you going? if you're gonna cheat, you might as well copy off somebody who's gonna get the answer right. takin' a piss? yes you do, stupid. because if you don't, i'm gonna go right up there and have a heart to heart with skipper and you'll be on the first plane back to idiotville. what? you're not a moron. listen, you don't cheat, and we'll make sure you get the grades. we'll start a private study group. nobody knows. you'll ace that test. because we believe in you. because we're your friends. what are they doing? yeah, but how are you supposed to make the first move? bregitta. do you believe it? her name. bregitta. it's poetry. i can't remember feeling like this about myself, a place, someone like you. we've come such a long way, seen so much. but nothing like this. i'm not the best at expressing myself. maybe the only reason i can now is because i know you don't understand me. i like you so much. too much. but how could i? i mean, if we can't even communicate, how could i know you? it's confusing. we sail in an hour and i'll never see you again. why'd you do it? you only hurt yourself you know? what are you talking about. i'm here on behalf of the crew, sir. the fact is. we'd like you to give phil another chance. sir? he killed the dolphin. of what? it's his father sir. he's suffocating him. we've all seen it. i mean he has all these expectations and he doesn't even know who his own kid is. what right did then have to show up here? they send us because they want us to change, or grow up or something and then they try to keep us the same. i don't know. my god. we all have problems. what'd he say? you okay? ninety-six. what about you? it's a ninety-one! it's an 'a'! you know? then why are you up here looking like you're about to jump overboard?! this is your moment, don't you see? the instant when you know that your life is never going to be the same again. when you stand up and are counted. yes you could. you did. this is all you. nobody else. feels different doesn't it? that we're going back. i don't want it to end. i don't want to be what i was when i left. anonymous. i've been getting ninety-sixes my whole life. it's what they expect. after all this, i still haven't figured it out. who i am, outside of this boat. what the hell i'm doing here. you know, i never had friends like this. i feel like. we can do anything. looks like we're gonna get wet. my god, they're drowning! oh god!!!!! aaaahhhh!!!! wake up. wake up. 1-2-3 wake up. skipper? dad! where's mom? yeah, sure. okay. fine. okay. oh god. when we were growing up i always felt like you would take care of things, that everything would be okay. but you can't make this okay, can you? they need it to be simple. they need a reason. all of them. everybody waiting on that dock. this is crazy. nothing could have prevented what happened. no. you're wrong. can we talk? everybody's saying this whole tribunal is happening because of your father. because of you. is it true phil? you weren't there, you don't know what happened. phil, please. it won't change anything. tell him to call it off. wait. we figured he'd have wanted you to have it. you do what you've gotta do phil. you taking the order wouldn't have changed anything. but that's not the point. no!!! don't you walk away! not now. not after all of this!!!! tell me skipper, was it all just a lie? "where we go one, we go all". we listened to you. we believed it. and we're still here!! shame on you then skipper. shame on you. tell them the truth. make them understand. it's simple. bad things happen sometimes. it wasn't skipper or tod. it was all of us. everyone in this room. because we all knew the risks. you sent us. you paid our tuition, you allowed us to go. so to invent a reason for why this happened, to pin it on one person, well that won't change anything. it'll just make our experience meaningless. if you want to judge this man, judge him by his crew. judge him by alice and george. chris and john and robin. in one way or another each one of them gave their lives saving one of us. this may sound crazy but the albatross wasn't just a ship, or even a school. it was something that we made, that's inside us. that's who skipper is. that's what he taught us. i guess what it really was about was. the privilege of sacrifice. isn't that right?