the sky is dark and a storm is building and the boat rolls and pitches. chuck sees terry heaving over the side. john and tod hear the sound and turn. the crew is cleaning up. alice supervises repairs to the jib while others stow line, scrub the deck and chip paint. lawford paces. the wind is up and the seas are high. the ship is under full sail driving at top speed. foam sprays from the bow as it slices through the water -- what she was born to do. the crew line the starboard rail, thrilled to be part of the performance. hound dog and hung over, bloodied and burned, the boys stand before skipper and the others. skipper looks dark and angry. under sail. skipper stands at the wheel overseeing the crew taking exams. each writes furiously as alice scribbles problems on the blackboard which hangs from the chart house door. phil is in the long boat with skipper, ready to shove off. tension is high. it's as though they're all waiting for skipper to give phil a reprieve. but, it's not coming. they mumble goodbyes. terry and rick pass down phil's bags. a small launch filled with cuban soldiers approaches the albatross. the crew climb on deck and line up along the chart house with their passports. lawford walks up to skipper. the albatross is under full sail trying to take advantage of what little wind there is. the skies are gray and dank. tod and terry are at the helm. chuck and john are amid ship. john relieves bill on the forward watch.