ahoy there. albatross? doesn't inspire a lot of confidence. i'm francis boutillier. this is my son, philip. your cable said you wouldn't be putting out until mid-october. indentured servitude is not what my son had in mind. and i would have expected compensation for my time and expense coming all the way down here. i'll be frank with you. this was his mother's idea. a romp through the caribbean on a sailboat sounds more like a vacation than an education if you ask me. take good care of my son. he's a big boy. ahoy there!! well, well. what do we have here? a floating brothel? well, we thought we'd drop in and see if you were all still in one piece. well, you never can tell these days, can you? well, we've come to give our boy a little break from the monotony. never the less. hop to boy. we haven't got all day. what's wrong, you don't like steak? humor me. eat it anyway. spying?! oh, really? listen to me, you thankless little prick. we're your parents, so don't you dare talk to me disrespectfully. what the hell is it, this captain? because i'll see him in a rowboat. well, what does it have to do with? us? welcome home. who is it philip? who are you talking to out there philip. come back in here. captain sheldrake exhibited an arrogant, controlling attitude in my presence on more than one occasion. i believe he had a personality conflict with my son from the start. it was his dream to go. i could hardly stand in the way of that, could i? sit down!