i'll take this one. anybody gotta problem with that? you blow that thing again i'll shove it so far up your ass, you're gonna need dental floss to get it out. i don't. you gonna swim for your breakfast? what's your problem? because i felt like it. what do you care? well, as soon as you grow some balls, let me know. excuse me? don't ever call me stupid. let me tell you girls something. i do what i wanna do. when i wanna do it. and i don't give a shit what old ahab up there thinks either. any questions? everybody swims, everybody sings. what's next? tap dancing? look, save it for somebody else will ya. this ancient shit doesn't have anything to do with me. shut up donut. much have i traveled in realms of gold. and many goodly states and kingdoms seen. round many western islands have i been. which bards in fealty to apollo hold. oft of one wide expanse had i been told. that deep-browed homer ruled as his demesne. what is it. the secret? what? come on man. show a little backbone! you believe that?! well gieg, i'm glad to see i'm not the only guy on this boat that can take a little rock'n roll. bunch of wusses, i swear! son of a bitch!! what ever you say cap. like you'd know what to do with one. yeah. with your mom. she isn't that old. i mean she looks pretty damn good in her all-together for being thirty. trust me donut. i know. on the dog watch, night after the storm, i look down into the skylight above skipper's cabin and there she was, peelin' down. damn, porkchop, you sound just like a guy who ain't never seen a pair. that's what they get for not locking the door. did you shut the door at least? they tell you that? my old man split along time ago. it doesn't mean anything. you just take care of number one that's all that matters. okay donut. whatever you say. what's that, canuck? will you shut up? you sound like my fucking sister. that's enough. we'll think of something. nobody calls me an idiot. to take a piss. yeah, that's right. you wanna come in and shake it for me? you've gotta be kidding. get the fuck outta my way! what the hell!!! i don't have to listen to this. i cheated to get on the boat!!! all right?! i doctored my grades so i'd make the cut. i'm a moron, okay? you satisfied?! wanna bet? takes me half a day to get through one chapter of lawford and i still don't have any idea what the hell he's talkin' about. you know why it takes me so long to write papers? because i can't spell. while everybody else is sleeping, i'm in the rack with a flashlight and a dictionary. hell, they even kicked me outa vo- tech 'cause i couldn't read a slide rule. they were gonna put me into special- ed this year. i stole a copy of my transcript, changed all the grades. shit, who am i kidding. i'll never pass the boards. why would you do that? believe what? be right back. jesus! what the hell happened to him. phil, if you don't calm down, i'm gonna hurt you. got it? then he shouldn't have written such a long poem, mr. lawford. you're a regular prick you know that? everybody deserves a second chance, ya know? we'd do the same for you mike. i know what that's like. yeah. how'd you do. congratulations. i know. i just can't believe it. i couldn't have done it without you. thank you. what? what was that? figured what out? i'll tell you who you are. you're the glue. you're the thing that holds everybody around you together. you're strong, you listen and you see things in people the rest of us can't. it's a gift. me either. we can. save some for me will you? here it comes!!! i can get it!