"that this same child of honor and renown, this gallant hotspur, this all praised knight, and your unthought-of harry chance to meet. for every honor sitting on his helm, would they were multitudes, and on my head. my shames redoubled! for the time will come. that i shall make this northern youth exchange, his glorious deeds for my indignities." i would. henry the iv part i act i scene ii. i suggest you read it. i have been charged with the dubious task of insuring your literary education. bill butler is your first mate. but don't let his size fool you. you'll meet him. soon enough. arise, arise, arise. exultation is the going. of an inland soul to sea. past the houses. past the headlands. into deep eternity. bred as we, among the mountains. can the sailor understand. the divine intoxication. of the first league out from land? but i suppose we'll answer that question soon enough gentlemen. soon enough. don't think people, just go! go, go, go, go, go!!! swim you win, stay you pay!! you will if you wanna eat. right george? "down, down beneath the deep, that oft in triumph bore him, he sleeps a sound and peaceful sleep, with the salt waves dashing over him." -- lord byron gentlemen. well, that was neighborly. come on the rest of you, sing! belt it out like men!! it seems we're short on singers. tie it off!! that's not a satisfactory answer. shit?!!! read for me please the words of mr. keats at the bottom of the page. you know what he is talking about here? awe. humility. he's telling you that he has traveled the seas as homer did. as ulysses had before him as he tried to find his way home to ithaca after the trojan wars. "that deep browed homer". brilliant, seasoned, wise, of the mind; ". ruled as his demesne." he commands the voyage of the imagination, like a god. that is what one of the greatest literary minds of modern times, mr. boutillier, has to say about homer. you think the odyssey is dull? i'll tell you something, it's about each one of you -- right now. doubt and expectation. friendship, community, self sacrifice and accountability. this isn't just a story!! it's history made allegory. it is a philosophical handbook for life! it holds the secret of this very voyage. if it were only that simple, my young friend. read on, gentlemen. read on. i've seen him snatch the tail of the tempest and stuff it, screaming, into a bottle. the bilges are full of them. he's been beyond the reach. to the edge of the abyss and back. he'll do well by us all george. he's a real salt. there's no malice in him and there's nothing more dear to him than his boys. so sleep well my friend. we're gonna have nobody left up here to crew. better let skipper know. what do you think? you know what they say in the navy don't you? "if it moves, salute it. if it doesn't move, pick it up. if it's too big to pick up, paint it!" hold this, will ya? madam, i would consider it a privilege if you would allow me to take you on a tour of the dance floor. you're very light on your feet ms. boyde. was it you who taught all of these young ladies the art of the dance? he is halfway human. the rust won't wait for you to read conrad, goodall. read on, young john. read on. college boards are coming. what do you make of that? we've got a problem. terry left his passport in curacao. we could hide him. if he's a cuban, castro wears a dress. a wet sheet and a flowing sea. a wind that follows fast, and fills the white and rushing sail, and bends the gallant mast. arise, arise you salty dogs. the watch is on. go, go, go!!! topside!!! come on charlie! george, get them out!! my god!! oh god i'm dying!!! hands and feet inside the boats.