sir. suicidal. no. no, sir. i'm not staying out here. hey goodall, you got a date or something? you gotta be kidding? he's a human chum line! what do you say i have a crack at the wheel? christ, i'm gonna choke on 'feel good'. tug my chain johnstone. joy, rapture. hey, shut up will ya? what do you think you're doing? forget it. count me out! "there is nothing that goes on, on this boat that i don't know about. she speaks to me in the night. so don't test me. not even a little" oh jesus, oh jesus. man i knew we shouldn't have gone. i tried to tell you. i tried to tell you. you guys made me come! you made me come!! maybe you didn't check it good enough. yeah, well you're really gonna have some bad dreams if we find out you didn't. how the hell are we gonna get outta here? oh, praise the lord. relax everybody. everything is under control. the jug head's going to think of something. god damn it man. i think he broke my nose! i can show you how to use a slide rule. long enough. me, too. they're waving. handkerchiefs or something. wait a second. they're girls! they're all girls! you've gotta be kidding? there are some things that everybody does in the same language. like this! yeeee haaaaa!! it's not monotonous. i should be eating with the crew. why are you here? i don't need you spying on me. i can take care of myself. look, you put me on this boat in the first place. i didn't want to come but i did. why do you have to embarrass me. why can't you just leave me alone? it has nothing to do with him. no. look, it's me okay? can't it just be about me? for once? fandango, junior. i'm gonna do some limbo baby!! roger meris, steps up, it's a corker down the pipe. it's outta here! lemme go! lemme go!! son of a bitch!! fuck off man. it's just a fish. i'm not gonna kill it. you mean-assed bastard!! you son of a bitch!! you can't do this!!! you can't do this!!! god damn you!! god damn you!! what's the difference? like you really care. like any of you give a shit what happens to me. it hurts too much to care. about anything. i'm ready. i'm sorry. tell 'em i said. thanks. goodbye skipper. i guess. it's okay. i'll be in, in a minute. look, what do you want? well that's just typical isn't it? i gotta go. i know enough. i'm sorry. skipper thought i was a challenge to authority. i don't know.