i'm robin. that's my brother. he's dead. what the hell is going on? this is crazy! i can't watch this. why'd you jump? i couldn't do it. screw you! come on, he didn't mean anything. hey, can i have one? thanks daddy-o. i'll read it. i mean i don't mind. bill!! skipper!! what? i'm sorry. i don't know. i can't. aaauuuhhh!!! i hate you, you son of a bitch!!! oh, god. fine. look, i appreciate, you know, the concern and all, but like he said, i can take care of myself. forget it. i'm sorry i left you hanging up there. my brother and i used to climb to the top of this old beech tree in the back yard and watch the moon come up just like this. my parents would fight all the time so we'd sneak out there where we couldn't hear 'em and recite scenes from our favorite movies. would you believe i miss it? the middle of paradise and i'm homesick. if you've got "a broad" available i'll take her. there's more where that came from. what do you say? cokes? i'm buying. you're right chuck. there's nothing quite as refreshing as a cold ten cent coke that only costs ten cents! you think skipper and alice do it? ya know. "it". how would you know? what? come on. come on man, what'd they look like? i've seen 'em. i've seen 'em. so. what happened? what'd you do? my parents don't do it anymore. 'cause they're getting a divorce. that's why they sent me here. my sister's at tabor. they just wanted us out of the house so they could get down to business. i figured it out. it matters to me. did you really see 'em. where are you from any way? kennet square, pa. 'mushroom capital of the world'. i was falling. it was so real. who told you that? it works? that's how he died you know. my brother. he fell out of the old beech tree. broke his neck. i was on a camp out. they started going at it, throwin' things, a real knock down. they didn't find him 'till the next morning. they didn't even know why he was up there. i couldn't. jesus h. christ. look! i did. why? i did. i swear. i'm not sure if this is really good or really bad. really? why, man? cut it out man!! stop it!!! what's the matter with you? if phil had caught you he'd have ratted you out in a second. you get caught cheating, you'll get kicked off the boat. how long you been standing there? i'm in. i can't make it out? hey, phil. swing up the 'binocs' and tell us what you see. what are we supposed to talk about? but, they don't speak english. what? wait for me okay. i'll be right back. i swear. phil. what are you doing? no way phil. not like this. come on man. let's just talk about it. phil! wait man. come on. i don't know. we gotta get 'im outta here before skipper sees him like this. we shouldn't be putting him off the boat. everybody's been outta control on this trip. are we a crew or not? i mean, isn't that what this is supposed to be all about? how do you figure that? it's about family isn't it? i mean are we together on this or not? i can't go in there. the guys were right. it'll mean nothing coming from me. he'll listen to you chuck. everybody does.