why didn't you drop any sail? but your instinct was to lose sail? how old are you, son? thank you. philip, why were you discharged from the albatross? were you? well, if you don't mind my asking, sir, why did you let your son stay? is it true that you forced robin weathers to climb the mast when it was clear that he was acrophobic. were you aware that his brother was killed in a fall. sir, were you aware at any time of the use of alcohol among the crew. had you ever seen a "white squall" before this incident? what makes you so sure it was one? you really felt that your crew were up for the conditions. except, a "white squall". with all due respect captain sheldrake, they're only boys. is it true that the reason you expelled philip boutillier. and that you invited him to strike you? to fight it out on the deck of your ship?! do you think this is funny? some kind of joke? you lost six people out there. i have no more questions at this time. oh, one last thing. isn't true that your father was a sea captain? isn't also true that his vessel went down off of nantucket? lost everyone on board. in fair weather no less. oh, nothing. i was just curious.