alright -- which one's sapperstein? okay, thanks. wanted to see me? all what? professor sapperstein, i'd like you to read something for me. keep reading. very good. good. and how are you feeling right now? what do you think? what flavor? and we were doing so well. mcclain valley? what was he doing out there? that's no man's land. no -- just the picture. bottom of the frickin' planet. doc? keller. checking the freezer for a popsicle. it got called in this morning. delfy, one of the pilots here. yeah -- probably. were you the second guy from the front? not interested. fine. i need a plane and that pilot who saw the popsicle. yeah, good. i wish -- we got a job. i need you to take a ride with me. so it is. my gut and i don't talk anymore. not you. or mentioned her. a grandchild? doc, that's great. you delfy? delfy's taking us, doc. he's the one who saw the body. c'mon, you'll be fine. i'll even hold your hand if you want. what were you doing out there? that your son? he's cute. has your eyes. so why aren't you with him? hate it. we all make stupid mistakes. yeah. got it. it's a popsicle alright. linger. so do you. think his name's weiss. we wintered-over last year with him. played cards a couple of times. yeah. geologist, i think. then where's his crampons -- his gear? yeah, maybe -- what the hell where you doing all the way out here? you going to be alright? oh yeah -- i'm really going to miss this place. who manages the post stations? one - two - three. it bothers me no one's reported him missing yet. how'd he get out there? there were no tracks. nobody wants to get out of here more than i do, trust me, but right now -- we're all this guy has. grab that side. i'll be alright. i know. exactly, this is the first murder in antarctica, doc -- and i can't just pretend it didn't happen. i'm on my way to find out. i'm sure his family's thinking the same thing. i hate interrupting educational programming, but -- chaplain. what are they doing out there? english, please. i don't get it -- weiss was no where near delta one one. isn't that a little unusual this close to winter-over? -- you've been a little busy. yeah, i can see that. delta one one, this is united states marshall carrie stetko, come back, over. vostok? this is marshal stetko, who's this? mooney? what happened out there, mooney? where's rubin? getting drunk already? murphy's contacting the feds. i'll do everything i can to get you off this ice, promise. going to vostok. i need a plane to vostok. i'm not asking. tell them i took their plane. the russians barely supply vostok anymore. they have to barter with other bases for supplies. some of these guys have been rotting here for years. who's in charge? stetko, us marshal. i'm here to talk to an american named mooney. i figured. where is he? against the law -- antarctica's the only place in the world you can't have one. part of the treaty. all this crap on -- i prefer naked. do you have to do that in front of me? sure. nope. thoughts? mooney? hello? my god. jack? what happened? yeah. someone got to him before i did. then went after me. thanks. let it go, delfy. unless you want your head cracked, i wouldn't move. -- let me see your hands. let's see it -- slowly. how do you know about weiss? this is part of a crime scene. i'll be sure to let the u.n. know if i find out anything. maybe. don't take this personally, but i don't need your help. you don't dig for meteorites. fine. but this is my investigation, understand? if you obstruct it in any way, i will have you detained. no, but i have the feeling you're going to anyway. murphy, listen to me, it's got to be rubin who tried to kill me. you have to shut down flights leaving asb and mcmurdo -- search for him. sam, i think these guys found something out there at the camp. i'm going to check it out. until i find rubin, no one leaves the ice. not yet. guess so. what time is it? a.m. or p.m.? wonderful. i'll take this one. rubin? someone's left leg took a hit, lost a lot of blood. what do you got? looks like they were surveying sections at a time. yeah -- looks like they hit some really big meteors. about four miles. i want to check something out first. north. yeah, a little. almost two years. some shrink tell you that? and do you? where do you plant your boots? i came down to fill in for a marshal for six weeks before winter-over. i met someone, decided to stay. no -- just gave me a headache. this is it. just stop. section 104. these are the coordinates. this is shaved ice. i'm slipping! i'm losing my grip. i'm okay. cargo plane, but i don't recognize it. guess that makes three. where's pryce? what is that? and by the looks of that safe, must've been transporting something pretty important. whoever got hurt, they dragged him out of here. there's blood all over the tunnel. go! no signal, you? how long do you figure we've got? what about the vodka -- we could make some torches, maybe melt the ice? what choice do we have? what're you doing? we came in through it. or, if the ice is too thick the blast will come right back at us. don't move. our friend here isn't who he says he is. stop lying to me -- he was saving his own. do it. have you got an id for that too? why did you lie to me? plane could've gone anywhere. there's forty-six countries here all counting down to winter-over. rubin could just disappear in the mayhem. heading back. how many fly-ins to mcmurdo in the last four hours? i need a list of names. he knows i'm on his ass, so he might. anything's possible. i want to eliminate his options. back at asb -- i know why weiss was so far from delta one one. i'll have the doc take a peek when we're done. murphy? what the hell is he doing i'm on 30 if you need me. rubin's picture is in a file on my desk. you wanted to see me? buried under 2 tons of ice. you? sure thing, chief. it didn't work, sam, because you couldn't keep your hands off every new woman who stepped foot on the ice down here. i was stupid enough to be one of them. now if you could cut through your red tape for just one second, you would realize that someone's out there with six cannisters, possibly full of uranium, and he wants to get it into the hands of some very bad people. and i'm trying to stop it -- so fuck asking you for shit, sam. you know what doc, it's alright. you worry too much -- but it's what i like about you. then it's gotta be rubin. there's no way they're gonna make it. not with that storm coming in over the peninsula. when did i go to vostok? no. pretty tough marshal, huh? you ever kill anyone? anyone you ever trusted? i hadn't held a gun in my hand for over two years. we were on a stakeout at a holiday inn in miami, waiting for this buy to go down. i was excited, we'd been after this trafficker for a long time. thought this bust would be my big chance to impress the brass. anyway, guy's a no show. one hour went by, then two - - nothing. these beakers where really in over their heads. think you can you help me with these buttons, first? who are you? mooney's dead. and so's weiss. it's okay, you're safe, just put the knife down. rubin -- i need you to focus for me. it's okay, he's a doctor, he can help you. rubin's here! he's on the run. level one. white t-shirt. jeans. rubin, wait! rubin -- i can help you! door's jammed -- shit, rubin doesn't have any gear on. thirty seconds. where are the cannisters? help me drag him over here. why did you kill those scientists, keller? was a four-way split too much for you? where is the uranium? let go of me. the cannisters are on the plane. he's with the un. we have to search that plane now! sam, do what is right here. come on. we'll need some help. nothing. that bastard. what the hell are you up to, keller? he's buying time. out of the way! shit! he won't try. he's a goddamn pilot. no! you stay awake! press here. hard. hard or he will die! he's not going to be number four! you're bleeding out. freezing drops your pulse. we have to slow it down. keller got out. he hurt pryce -- he's bleeding bad. where's doc? tell him to stay put, and i need your help getting pryce there. we're at the hangar. i've got to stop keller, he's got the cannisters. keller hit him with an ice axe. no. i'll stay with you -- i'm sorry. thanks. hey back. um-hm. nope. after all this, no way. keller didn't have it on the plane because he's got it hidden somewhere. true -- what the hell was his plan. need any help? nothing -- i'll be right back. someplace no one would ever think to look. and we thought it was nukes the whole time. how did you get wrapped up in thing, doc? then weiss got cold feet. it got ugly, didn't it -- and keller killed him at delta one one. everything went to hell after that, didn't it, doc. doc -- stop. there is no granddaughter, is there? this was about greed, plain and simple. dead is dead, right? what's happened to you? there are four people dead! four! people we knew. doc looks at her. she's not sure if it's registering. doc, your not thinking straight. doc, please. hot. but there's a gentle breeze. fiji's beautiful this time of year. nah. freedom's just a sunrise away. 143: hey fred, unlock any secrets of the universe -- discover we're alien life forms? it was just budding, too. it's not funny! now are you still sure you want to report the theft of an illegal narcotic? no, no, not crazy. but this time of year, down here, we're all going a little toasty aren't we? how about you plant a little cannabis when you get home? i know you weren't in the area. what's up? where? can't get you back until tomorrow. put your coats on. social visit? might be a body out on the ice. keller, get over here! there it is. i'm sorry. i'll contact the fbi -- see how they want to handle this. one one has an extremely old surface with low sediment deposition. it's right here. i guess i should've contacted them, but -- patch it through. what's the hurry? what's with this place? how long was i out? mind if i ask you a personal question? the excitement, mostly. marshal? find what you're looking for? those are fuel tanks behind you. this plane was outfitted for long range capabilities. we're going to suffocate before we get out here. now, who are you? besides, i didn't know if i could trust you. where the hell are you? -- how many? and you wonder why it didn't work out between us. why don't you try helping her for a change? i don't know. no way. don't tell me that. wasn't supposed to need one down here. but he was my partner and i killed him that night. there's no changing that. god, i was young and stupid, and in way over my head. what are you doing? get keller. you hold on. pick them up in six months. go. the cannisters? where would he hide something for six months. somewhere he could be sure no one would ever look. just thinking where it all began. if those idiots hadn't panicked, none of this would have happened.