you busy? i got a pilot at asb who thinks he spotted a popsicle out on the ice. don't know. mcclain valley. i've got a plane heading to asb in an hour with some supplies for winter-over. what camp was he with? this is all i need right now. that's not what i meant. that's not possible. we're still bringing people in and resupplying other bases for winter-over. shit -- we've got to move up the evac. six hours at least. then get them in! where the hell have you been? do me a favor, you find any more bodies, mind not parading them down the main corridor. i've got newbies afraid to winterover, for chirstsake. they want out on seats i don't have. and next time you want to take a goddamn plane anywhere, you ask me. we don't have enough supplies for all of us to winter-over if we get stuck down here. this is ridic--- have you completely lost your mind? what the hell's going on? who the hell are you? we don't have time. we'll just search it in christchurch when it lands. do what you have to, but that plane takes off in one hour. i'll send what i can. no -- what's going -- in the clinic. about to bring the bodies out. what's -- doc! he get away? i know. i know. can you do this on the plane? it's your call, but i need to know now. grab the bodies and get them on the plane. leave'm. let's go. take care of yourself.