no cursing in this house, young man. use the strong vocabulary god gave you. can the tantrum, sweet pea. we're the good guys, remember? we have a truckload of strawberries arriving on tuesday morning. that's part of growing up, honey. what about charlie? you boys could make it a little adventure. teddy? is that you? how are you, baby? are you all right? did you have a nice flight? are they taking good care of you? save it, honey. we want to hear every detail when you get back, but we don't want you to run up mr. zukerman's phone bill. our teddy inherited "heaven?" my goodness, who sent this? we can't accept it. it's much too expensive. right, dear? oh, no. ted's gone completely overboard. sweetheart, what is it? oh, honey. we can't accept this extravagance. teddy? is that you? what is all this? when are you coming home? everything is lovely, ted, but much too expensive. oh, good lord. are those neptunes? you promise you'll finish school? goodness. it's delicious. i've never tasted anything so tender. your dad and i were raised with a certain work ethic, that's all. but how would we pay our bills? oh. goodness. like what? but who would run the store? we wanted you and jimmy to have it someday. something real and honest. you have to understand. this was a big shock, for all of us. one minute you're our little boy, of whom we could not be more proud. the next minute you're the owner of this whole pornographic empire. don't you see how your self involvement and lack of humility are affecting the whole family? we're not ashamed of you, teddy. we don't approve of the magazine or the models or the so-called "flesh parties" you attend. but we can get past all that. we miss our family. we want you to go to college, find a career you love, marry a nice girl from a nice family, and live happily ever after. oh, teddy. we missed you so much. we are a family. don't say "shit," honey. use the strong vocabulary god gave you.