hand them over! immediately! oh, miss pratt, miss pratt! what were you thinking? how could you be so careless? "exposing hypocrisy in the morons who teach us." that's the little bastard's motto! ah, well, bravo! that's just what we'll tell the school board. you don't even have your high school diploma yet, mr. nelson. i'm still the boss of you. you cannot land a helicopter in my school yard! get that blasted thing out of here! i like you, ted. you know that. i liked you before you were filthy rich. i'll be blunt. i know you can take it. ted, you are the best editor this school paper ever had. you don't need to be pandering flesh. it's nonsense. it's beneath you. that's a good start, yes. a very good start. i never figured you for a pimp. what kind of sick question is that? i'll be watching you, young man. your money and power mean nothing here. nothing. no. no, i won't. thank you. for reminding me. poochie? where's my poochie? where is she? is my poochie in here? is she in here? no. where on earth could she be? there's my poochie! there's my girl! poochie loves daddy, doesn't she? thank you, dear. i know, dear. thatta girl. this, my friends, this is not "heaven." this flesh rag is a one way ticket to hell! we must voice our outrage! to remain passive in the eye of the devil is like inviting him to a pot luck in your own backyard and asking him to bring the three-bean salad! for the sake of this community, and its impressionable young minds, i propose this publication be banned from our city! we cannot afford free speech if it excises the moral fiber of this community! indeed it is, miss conroy! i make no bones about it! "heaven" has gone too far! mr. nelson, you are beelzebub's henchman! you are single-handedly destroying the integrity of our community, and i will not have it! i'll gather signatures. i'll petition the courts. what the hell are you doing? my roof, my rules, young lady. i apologize for interrupting the festivities, but i have some good news. i've been reviewing the rules and regulations set forth by the superintendent of schools. and it seems quite clear. "minors may not be accompanied to school functions by adults unless they are their parents or legal guardians." so long, ladies. prom's over. rules are rules. deaf ears, mr. nelson. i answer to a higher power. out! now! you're crossing the line, mr. nelson. i'm warning you. that's it! you're out of here! good-bye, mr. nelson. have a pleasant evening. mr. nelson, you disappoint me. first you break our school board rules. then you break the law. our state has a zero tolerance policy for underage drinking. alcohol does horrible things to a developing young mind. you should be ashamed, young lady! your body is a sacred temple! young lady, i will pray for god's mercy upon your soul. stop that, stop that this instant! ted, i realize i owe you an apology. you're destroying "heaven" much faster from the inside than i ever could from the outside. good job, son.