so, makin' dame jokes, huh, eddie? well, lemme remind ya pal, it was a dame who took a hundred bucks out of the till so your landlord would't throw you out of your dump. and it was a dame who trusted you for the money when no one else in town would. and it's a dame who's tired of waitin' for you to straighten yourself out and get a job! this is fifty bucks. i need seventy-five before they check the books tomorrow. is this paper even good? r.k. maroon. toon killed his brother. hey, eddie, looks like you really stepped in it this time. a new outfit bought the red car. some big company called cloverleaf industries. bastards put him on notice. eddie, get him down from there. he's gonna break his neck. do you think the rabbit did it? we don't serve formula. snookums. yeah. oh, a ladies man, huh? yeah, eddie, it's not like you got an ad in the yellow pages. the papers said the safe door was opened, eddie. well, i'll be. so you're not even gonna bother to find out if the rabbit's gettin' framed? well, you used to care, eddie. and it didn t matter if a client's skin was black, white, or painted! mother mary. jesus, eddie, is this who i think it is? where'd you find him? he's a riot. it's all yours. so you decided to help him after all? can you get him out of it, eddie? acme's will. so what's the scam, eddie? maybe they just took it out of his pocket. eddie, you still got it. hey, tomorrow maybe i'll go down to probate court and see who's sniffin' around acme's estate? dabblin' in watercolors, eddie? lemme guess. your cousin from des moines? must you? what was that? the rabbit's wife? wanna tell me what she was doin' with her arms around you? i just stopped by to tell you that i checked out the acme probate. nope. it's that cloverleaf outfit again. got me. but unless the will shows up by friday midnight, it's theirs. sounds like singin'. there's no rabbit here, so don't harass my customers. on the phone in the terminal bar. i was hopin' you'd be there. maroon's called here about four times. he says he's gotta talk to you tonight. he says he can help you. are you gonna call him, eddie? yeah. they closed me down for a coupla weeks. familiar. be careful, eddie. eddie, we better get you to hospital. you're bleedin'. i'll treat you to a new shirt. after all, you did save toontown.