is this man removing evidence from the scene of a crime? i'll take that. looks like the deceased grabbed a handful of your client's pantaloons, mr. valiant. yes, we talked to mr. maroon. he told us the rabbit became quite agitated when you showed him the pictures, and said nothing would stand in the way of him getting his wife back. is that true? the rabbit's movements are fairly clear after leaving the maroon studios. he ran across the street, jimmied this door open, hoisted the safe on a block and tackle. then stood out here waiting for his prey. after he cold-bloodedly accomplished his task, he went home. he was almost apprehended there by my men. yes, i find that weasles have a special gift for the work. the rabbit didn't contact you by any chance, did he? so you wouldn't have any idea where he might be? i'm surprised you aren't more cooperative, mr. valiant. a human has been murdered by a toon. don't you appreciate the magnitude of that? my goal as judge of toontown, has been to rein in the insanity. to bring a semblance of law and order to a place where no civilized person has ever been able to step foot. the only way to do that is to make the toons respect the law. why, you filthy little vagrant, you've soiled my robe! you've defiled a symbol of justice. voltaire. the gopher! yes, you do. to a swift and speedy trial. court is now in session. the defendant is charged with vagrancy, assault and resisting arrest. how do you find him? guilty as charged. case closed! i hereby sentence you to the dip! they're not kid gloves, mr. valiant. but that's how we handle things in toontown. i would think you'd appreciate that. after all, didn't a toon kill your brother? you did the right thing, bongo. being caught breaking and entering is not very good advertising for a detective. what were you looking for, mr. valiant? marvin acme had no will. i should know, the probate is in my court. these are bold accusations, mr. valiant. i hope you have some proof? they? take it easy, bongo. we'll handle mr. valiant our own way. downtown. oh, not that downtown. toontown. indeed we are. we'll continue the interrogation there. you're a very stubborn man, mr. valiant. very pig-headed. boys, show mr. valiant how we handle pig-headed men at the toontown station. i'm looking for a rabbit. he was last seen in this neighborhood. you couldn't miss him. buck teeth. orange pants. about yea big. i didn't come here to harass. i came here to reward. now we'll see who laughs best. valiant? why is it that whenever my men smell a rabbit, you're there? no, sergeant. that won't be necessary. i know a trick that no toon can resist. moves to the milk crate the coffee can is on. valiant gets up off the cot. shave. and. a haircut. roger rabbit is charged with the cold blooded murder of a human. marvin acme. the jury will direct their attention to exhibits a, b, and c. motive, evidence, modus operandi. how do you find the defendant? guilty as charged. case closed! for this heinous crime, i sentence you to the dip! yes, and for that you're charged with aiding and abetting. but we'll let santino handle that. well, why not? i'm feeling magnanimous tonight. the successful conclusion of this case draws the curtain on my career as a jurist. i'm retiring to take a new role in the private sector. after them you fools. are you two all right? these roads can be very treacherous at night, especially in a maniacal toon vehicle. i've had enough of your insolence! put him in my car. i think they'll enjoy attending our ribbon cutting at the acme factory. he's not going anywhere. we'll send the mobile unit after him. frisk them. see if they have the will. no matter. i don't expect the will to show up in the next fifteen minutes. by then cloverleaf will own toontown quite legally. no one person is cloverleaf. we're a vast company with diverse interests. gasoline, tires, automobiles. it wasn't toontown they wanted. it was my idea of how to put the land to better use. in fact, they thought my concept so brilliant, that they offered me the directorship of transportation. i've accepted. bring me mr. valiant's gun. 'thanks for getting me out of the hoosegow. yosemite sam'. how sweet. that's right. enough to dip toontown off the face of the earth. never mind where i come from. just watch where i'm going. they won't care. who's going to miss some ridiculous talking mice when they can have the future? right here where we're standing, will be the cornerstone of my idea. the cloverleaf -- an elegant cement structure that intertwines freeways. a freeway, mr. valiant, is eight lanes of asphalt running uninterrupted from l.a. to pasadena. pasadena to hollywood. hollywood to santa monica. someday everyone will be in cars driving happily, non-stop from one end of the l.a. basin to another. not for long. we're retiring the red cars. people will drive, mr. valiant, because they'll have to. and when they drive, they'll have to buy our cars, our tires, our gasoline. has a nice ring. too bad you two won't be around to enjoy it. put that gun down, you buck-toothed fool. well, this is turning out better than i thought. tie the lovebirds together. let him watch his toon friends get dipped. then shoot him. watch out, you idiot. he's going for the gun! nooooo! surprised? is that so? well, we'll see who's the goofy one. by the way, when i killed your brother, teddy, i used to talk just like this. that's right, me. now eddie's gonna be deady, just like teddy. screams as the torrent hits him with a crash. but there's no escape for him this time. the flood of liquid envelopes him at the ankles. he dissolves into it like a melting candle.