starting tomorrow there'll be no more roast beef lunches. what happened to cheese sandwiches? i was raised on cheese sandwiches.
and tell that guy sleepin' over there he's fired!
oh.  tell him he's promoted. but get him out of my sight.
valiant, did you see the rabbit?
so what? he's already put me three weeks behind on the shooting schedule!
no! that's not funny.
that's funny. put a homburg on him it'll even be funnier. huh, valiant?
boy, i hope what you have ain't contagious or i'll be out of business.
how much do you know about show business, valiant?
yeah, and there's no business as expensive. i'm twenty-five grand over budget on the latest bunnysitter cartoon and it's all because that rabbit can't keep his mind on his work. and you know why?
nah, that goes with the territory. he's a stunt bunny.
here's the problem.  "seen cooing over calamari with notsonew sugar daddy was jessica rabbit.  wife of maroon star, roger". his wife's a tramp, but he thinks she's betty crocker. the doubt's eatin' him up.
get me a couple juicy pictures. somethin' i can wise the rabbit up with.
you don't have to. the rabbit's wife sings at an underground toon revue joint called the ink & paint club. you can catch her in action there.
a hundred bucks? that's ridiculous.
all right, all right.  you got your hundred bucks.
fifty now, fifty when you deliver the pictures.
kinda jumpy aren't you, valiant? it's just dumbo.
i got him on loan from disney.
when will i hear from you?
hands roger his handkerchief. roger aah-oo-ga's his nose.
take comfort, son, you're not the first man whose wife played pattycake on him.
the pictures don't lie. mr. valiant here took them himself.
frankly, i'm shocked. marvin acme's been my friend and neighbor for thirty years.
who would have thought he was the sugar daddy?
well, the important thing now roger, is to put all this behind you. drink this, son, you'll feel better.
i know this all seems painful now, but you'll find someone new. won't he, mr, valiant?
sure, valiant, sure.
being experienced in these matrimonial matters, you have any advice for our friend here?
maybe money grows on trees in toontown, but not at the maroon studio.
trying to scare up a bidding war between me and jack warner, eh? well, it won't work. i'll call william morris and i'll have 'em put out a rabbit call the likes of which this town's never seen!
and stop callin' me doc!
valiant? what're you doin' here?
i've already seen your photographs.
so.  trying to pull a fast one on me, huh?
have you got the will?
meet me at my studio at nine o'clock. if you've got the will maybe we can stop this thing.
valiant! you surprised me.
no.  i'm not. i'm a cartoon maker, not a murderer.
no, you gotta understand, valiant, i had nothin' to do with acme gettin' killed. i just wanted to sell my studio. but they wouldn't buy my property unless acme would sell his. and he wouldn't. so i was gonna blackmail acme with pictures of him and the rabbit's wife.
but then it all went to hell. i been around toons all my life. i can't sit around and see them all destroyed.
you got the will in there, don't ya?
you tricked me, damn you!
there's no time to take it easy! you don't realize the diabolical mind we're dealing with!
if i don't get that will by midnight tonight, toontown's just gonna be land for the free.