if you effect my extrication, i could offer you some carburetion. well. what're we waitin' for, the william tell overture? you don't have to do nothin'. uh. except hang onto your hat. read all about it, benny's back in town! going up. next floor, sundries, knick knacks, escaped convicts. watch your step. reckless driving. do you believe that? hold your breath, babies. hate to sound like chicken little, but is the sky falling or what? forget the brakes, who brought the water wings? maybe it's my imagination, but i always seem to run better after i've had a wash. now where can i drop you cats? if you ever need me, just stick out your thumb. need a lift? mr. valiant, you've made a vast improvement in the company you keep. look, the drawbridge -- we're gonna make it. that's because you gotta draw it first. uh-oh. whoaaa! look out! the boinin', the boinin'. oh, yeah. that's better. roger! doom's got your wife and valiant. he took them to the acme factory, slide over, son. it looks like you've done enough drivin' for tonight. roger, what're you gonna do with that gun? well. all right. but you be careful now with that gun. this ain't no cartoon.