hey, everybody. bobby peru, just like the country. im from all over. four years. how old are you? march, 1968. we torched a village and the government made a big deal out of it. you was on a ship, pardner. hard to make contact with the people when youre off floatin in the gulf of tonkin. dont mind if i fuckin do. speakin a jack. one-eyed jacks yearnin to go a peepin in a seafood store. good meetin you. adios, boys. hey, pretty woman. sailor here? man, i gotta take a piss bad. can i use your head there? i dont mean your head head - im not gonna piss on your head - your hair an all. just piss in the toilet. yall take a listen - here a deep sound comin down from bobby peru. hey. you gotta smell in this room of puke. you been pukin in here, little girl? huh?. you sick?. pregnant? you know, i really do like a woman with tits like yours that talks tough and acts like she can fuck like a bunny. can you fuck like that?. you like it like a bunny?. huh?. cause baby, ill fuck you like a real good like a big ol jack- rabbit bunny. jump all around in that hole. bobby peru doesnt come up for air. am i scarin ya?. your pussy wet? . come on . is it?. hey, dont jump back so slow. i thought you was a bunny. bunny jump fast - you jump back slow. mean somethin, dont it?. means somethin to me. means you want bobby peru. you want bobby peru to fuck you hard baby - open you up like a christmas present. hey. im sorry. i dont think im bein too polite here . and i apologize. hell. a man sees a pretty woman and first thing he knows, he loses his manners. sure sign of modern times. next thing ya know, his old handll start crawlin around where it oughtnt to go. ill be real honest with ya. id like to fuck you and tear you open like a paycheck envelope. will you be honest with me - would you like me to do it?. just a simple yes or no. just feel me breathin on you. and youll know i mean business when it comes to fuckin. bobby peru grab you now. hold you tight. feel everythin in you now. stay quiet. say fuck me and then ill leave. say it!. ill tear your fuckin heart out, girl. say fuck me soft - then ill leave. say fuck me. whisper it. then ill leave. say it. say it - say it - say it. say it. then ill leave. whisper it. whisper it. whisper it. whisper fuck me. whisper it. whisper fuck me. whisper. whisper. whisper. whisper. someday honey, i will. but i have to be goin now. conta i no joras. need a hand? how bout a beer? lets go by rosaritas. you been there yet? thought maybe sparky and buddyd taken ya. come on, ill drive. hell, no, belongs to my girls sister. the sisters been over to new orleans, lets us have it while shes gone. wheres that pretty little lady of yours today? sorry to hear it. used to be this was a mobil. man converted it into a private club and named it after his wife. she left him and he shot himself. the wife owns it now. no hard liquor here. just beer. couple stars, jimmy. you black? you an indian? then youre a member. three or four millionaires in here right now. oil, gas, cattle, farmin. aint nobody shows off around here. iguana countys one of the richest in texas. ready for another? q-7, three times. pee wee kings waltz of regret, my favorite tune. i been studyin a situation over in lobo, take two men to handle it. feed store keeps up to five k in their safe. need me a good boy for back-up. even split. you interested? be easy, sailor. theres two employees. i take one in the back to open the safe, you keep the othern covered. you aint plannin on raisin a famly in big tuna, are ya? well. i mean like lula bein in a family way. couple grand or mored give you two a leg up. get you to the west coast, mexico, most anyplace, with a few dollars in your jeans. i got it figured good, sailor. talked to her this afternoon. while you was out. just took a guess is all. you in or out on this deal? dont think about it too long. you had enough? come on outside, i got somethin to show ya. thats a double-barreled, sawed-off, ithaca shotgun with a carved pistol grip stock wrapped with adhesive tape. next to its a cold smith and wesson .32 handgun with a six inch barrel. thesell do er. loosen up that five grand. two and a half for you and the little lady. how much money you have between the two aya right now?. this is easy money, pardner. no ones gonna get hurt in this thing. and i dont think you can afford not to take it. ill be bringin the eldo round the front of the motel at ten tomorrow mornin. if you aint a pussy - youll be there. hey. i never said you was a pussy. always figured you had the big ol round balls for this kinda thing. sure would set you and that pretty little girl up good. like takin candy from a fuckin baby. told ya i would. you still riled? aint never had no girl pull a blade on me. you heard from reggie? stayin a few extra days in the big n.o., huh? this you? dont look like you. the cobras waitin to strike, chica. no shit?!?! you know him? whatd you say? thats right. could have a bad accident, though . before . durin . or after a hold-up. maybe hell get a little nervous, but who gives a shit? i knew we could be friends again. jump in back. shes my girl. shes drivin. that bother you? thats right. take one of these. panty hose. work bettern stockins. pull one of the legs down over your face and let the other leg trail behind your head. you get the pistol. remember, soon as we get inside, you keep that bad boy up where those hicks can see it. once they notice the ithaca and the smith, theyll know we aint foolin with em. come on! get that mask on! keep it revved, chiquita. we wont be long. just goin in to get our five grand. into the back room, both of you, now!!! if anyone comes in, herd em back here quick. youre next, fucker.