im buddy, and this heres sparky. you will. hes the mr. fix-it at the iguana. his truck broke down here a couple of months ago. just some got more future in em than others. very soon. robert brenton, twenty-five, was killed when his car went off the road on state highway 118, according to the department of public safety. brenton and two passengers, william reese and susan day, were thrown from the automobile, reports said. hey, tommy. whats goin on over there in number four where al them bright lights are all the time? sparkys big on florida jokes. sailor, lula, this heres the man himself. bobby, this is sailor and lula, the most recent strandees, economic variety. accordin to red and rex, bobbys the most excitin item to hit big tuna since the 86 cyclone sheared the roof off the high school. lotta women and kids and old people died at cao ben. no shit.