he served his time for what he did. another thing. if lula went with him of her own volition - willingly, that is - there aint much can be done about it. ill locate lula, marietta, and if shes with the ripley boy, ill give him a talkin to and try to convince her to come back with me. thats about all i can do. now, marietta, i am goin to help you. and dont be gettin carried away. you dont want to be bringin santos and his people into it. darlin, you aint seein santos again, are ya? sorry, sweetheart. bein in love with you like i am brings out that ugly jealous side. sailor aint a murderer. you got to get off that kick. and fars i can tell, sailor was entire clean prior to that involvin lula. even there he was protectin her. you oughta be thankin him for that. that bob ray lemon they say was comin after the both of em. why am i tellin you this, you was around that night. you ought to know just exactly what happened. sailor just got a little too forceful is all. you remember that night. marietta, settle down now darlin. i want whats best for her, too - like i said, ill do what i can to bring her home. alright. by all means. make yourselves at home. johnnie farragut. pleased to meet ya. johnnie, please. nope. charlotte, north carolina. here on business. only that its supposed to be a pretty poor sight since the hurricane came through last year. whattaya do there? in what capacity? general osvaldo tamarindo y ramirez. telefono 666. of course. why are you in new orleans? if you dont mind my askin. its been a real pleasure. i wish you both buena suerte wherever you go. i couldnt say, which one? real good, chet. its been awhile. no. shes fine. back home. set one up. actually, im lookin for mariettas daughter, lula. her and er beau took off the other day. mariettas real upset about it. sounds right. ill check it out. no sir. not for lack of love, i can tell ya that. ill tell ya though, its comin up to the time when marietta and me might just set up house together and settle down. i think that times comin up right soon. but like you said, everythins realtive. aint love wonderful?. i said, aint love wonderful? good luck to you kids. no, marietta, i havent found em. really, marietta, you got more scenarios swimmin around in your brain than carter got pills. try to take it easy. go over to myrtle beach for a few days. i will, marietta. goodbye now. i thought you two were in austin, texas. or takes-us, as they say in these parts. why not? how was the fishin? so, its back to the islands. this island of yours sounds like a kind of unpredictable place. call me johnnie. n.o. has always been a good town to sit around in. hasta siempre. hows that? i gotta admit, you guys are two in four dozen. i got some news, marietta. lula and sailor been here. they checked out of the hotel brazil on frechman street yesterday. did she tell you where she was callin from? howd she sound? was she doin okay? what? marietta, i was just gonna leave and see if i could pick up their trail. ill meet you, marietta, if thats what you want, but im against it. who was that?. who knows your here? just some guys i met here. i keep seein em. now tell me. somethin was upsettin you bad last night, and you wanted to tell me and i figured you wanted to tell me sos i could help. honey, i have to ask you this. is santos involved in any of this? that bastard pucinski. yeah. the one that introduced santos to you and clyde. all i have to do is grab my suitcase, and im ready. youre lucky cause i happen to love night drivin. did i tell ya its great to see ya again? and to think what coulda happened in that king-sized bed tonight. see ya downstairs. oh god. oh god. santos. oh god marietta . are you in on this?. oh god!!!