johnnie, you take a good look at me, baby, cause you gonna hafta watch close to know when we do it to ya.  yall count when i touch the bottle - ho!!.  there i slap that mutha fucka face - pay attention fucka - otherwise we hafta work it all night.  too much fun for us - you see what i mean? now watch me how i touch a bottle and you count how many times.
you see, johnnie. i toucha number one bottle once, i toucha number two bottle once, and i touch your face. this is a game we love to play. i get hot already.  now you meet second mr. killer.  does he fish or dont he?
now johnnie.  we want to feel the feelin.  feel the feelin.  we be gettin up close to you, mutha fucka, then we go out away .  no mally we touch two bottles - both bottle bfore comin back and touchin you.  this mean you okay fo awhile.  if we go out away, and we touch only one bottle bfore comin back and touchin you - you gonna hear a click from a gun bhind you and then its gonna be bout ten seconds.  remember that number ten - then thats when the end come.  what end i talk bout johnnie? - i talk about the end, fucka- that head will go every parta this room.  i talk bout no mo johnnie.  i think you understand now - we play game.
you hear click?
okay, gimmee nother kiss, reggie bfore i fuck ya right now.  fuckin hot now, reggie. fuckin hot!
you think you gonna live through this night?.  you wrong.  i smell yo shit now, johnnie. give us one mo kiss, reggie. oh fuck me!!! we touch bottles now - fo we cant wait no mo.
i go out now.  i toucha one bottle.  reggie.  i toucha two bottle.  i come back, i touch johnnie.  ahhhhh .  i touch myself.  ha!.  now i go out - i toucha one bottle.  do i touch second bottle?.  i go now and touch.  oh oh.  okay.  this time i toucha second bottle.  i go back, i touch johnnie.  then i go back - i kiss reggie with big gun.  oh god, reggie done got two big guns.  hah!!!.  i go out now.  so fuckin hot now, maybe too fuckin hot now, fucka. i toucha one bottle.  do i go touch a second bottle?.  huh? -
one .  two .  three .  four .  five .  gettin too fuckin hot, reggie.  feelin mysef .  six .  seven .  eight.
nine.  fuck me now, reggie.  ten!!!
fuck me!!!!