hello. who is this?. theres no way in hell you can speak to her and. yes you heard me. dont ever call back here again. you know who it was and you know you arent, and i mean are not gonna see him ever. end of story. wheres johnnie? hes not in his office. well i gotta find him - right this minute! i knew this would happen. soon as that piece of filth got out of pee dee, i knew thered be trouble. hes just got some kind of influence over her i cant decipher. theres somethin wild in lula i dont know where it comes from. you gotta find em, johnnie. dont talk down to me, johnnie farragut. i know what volition means, and thats why i want sailor ripley off the planet! hes pure slime and its leakin all over my baby. maybe you could push him into makin some kinda move and then kill him dead. youd only be defendin yourself, and with his record, nobodyd fuss. ill hire a hit man if you dont want to help me stop this thing. ill call marcello santos. youre just jealous of santos cause hes sweet on me. oh, johnnie farragut. dont you trust your very own marietta? well stop worryin about me and start worryin about how youre gonna get that lula back here and away from that murderer. maybe i was there, but i didnt see anythin. all i knows that trash killed a man with his bare hands. hands which are now probly all over my baby! thats not why i called. santos. it isnt. lulas gone off with sailor. i want you to take care of sailor, so he wont ever be able to bother my baby again. yes. whats with you?. you know what take care of him means. i dont call santos except for one big reason. i want you to get rid of sailor. yes. get rid of him. santos, why in hell do you insist on playin this stupid game? i dont need to explain anymoren i have. you know damn well. all right. i want you . to . kill . sailor. as simple as that. thats your business. i dont care how. no. for gods sakes, santos! santos. shoot him. yes. no. in the head. yes. no. in the brains. what little im sure he has. yes. yes. see! i knew you had it all under control. maybe i did. try new orleans first. lula cant ever stop talkin bout that town. santos. no. please, santos. no. but. santos. i cant. you fucker, dont you ever touch lula - you fucker, ill kill you. what? someones gonna see us. santos. you kill that sailor, otherwise hes gonna turn my baby against me. hey, sailor boy, you wanna fuck lulas mama?. well, she wants to fuck you. no. i just wanted to kiss you good-bye. you know too much bout little lulas mom. well, johnnie told me you used to drive for clyde and santos. so maybe one night you got a little too close to the fire. and youre gonna get burned, baby. and besides that, youre shit. dyou think id let my little girl go with shit like you?. why, you belong right here in one of these toilets. oh, dont worry bout that. this is the kinda mistake can take a hindus lifetime to unfix. you better get a move on, johnnie, before that boy got her holdin down a memphis streetcorner and shootin dope up her arms. im stayin right here by the phone until you find lula, then im comin to get her. you call soons you got somethin, even if its three in the a.m. of course! lula? where are you? you all right? why, how could i not worry? not knowin whats happenin to you or where you are? are you with that boy? are you comin back here soon, lula? i need you here. you in a dance hall or somethin? i can hear music behind you. really, lula, this aint right! did you run into johnnie in new orleans? lula, are you in new orleans? argentina! lula, youre outta your mind. now you just tell me where you are and ill come for you. i wont say nothin to the police about sailor, i promise. he can do what he wants, i dont care. no, baby, dont! can i send you somethin? you runnin low on money? ill wire you some money if you tell me where you are. lula? i love you, baby. i just want you to be all right. call me again soon? ill be waitin by the phone. santos. if you get this message, call me right away. its marietta. i dont know, santos. maybe this is all not. call me. johnnie! at last! i thought you was never gonna come back to your room. listen, johnnie, lula just called me. she knew you were in n.o., so they left the city. no, but my guess is theyre headed west, so probly texas. their money must be runnin low. i dont think sailor had much to begin with, if any, and lula took the six hundred she had saved in the cherokee thrift. could she be doin okay, johnnie? shes tryin to prove somethin to me, thats all. lula aint doin no moren showin off, defyin me. johnnie, ive done somethin bad. i wont tell you over the phone. im comin to n.o. and ill tell you then. no, you wait right there for me. ill be on the piedmont flight tomorrow at seven. meet me at the airport. seven tomorrow evenin. se can eat at galatoires. fix it. yes?. no. ill be damned if that wasnt a wrong number? what is it, johnnie? johnnie, i cant tell you, honey. is there anyway we can get on the road tonight? weve got to find them kids. i did, honey, but that was last night. lets just find those two kids before its too late. hell no, baby. i wouldnta done that without tellin you. who?. uncle pooch?. johnnie. thats the past. we gotta get on to our future, sugar! lets head for texas and see if we can pick up the trail. this bout the fifth time? ill pack my things and meet you downstairs. you wont of missed much. i dont understand this. i dont understand this one bit. he was supposed to meet me right her in this lobby. somethin bad has happened - i jus know it. hell no!!! thats the last thing we need. a buncha cops runnin around. oh god! what does that mean? and jus when my babys out on some texas road with a killer. santos. wheres j-j-johnnie? santos. whats happenin here? where we goin? please santos. wheres johnnie? oh baby, i was beginnin to think i was never gonna see you again. youre comin home, precious. santos gonna drive us to the san antonio airport. oh, yes, you can. you aint takin pace, though. what times sailors train get in? got any plans? well, you be careful with that boy, lula. dont mean him. its pace concerns me. what if i asked you not to? what if i told you not to?