it invites us to stay with the community and grow. it is here, perhaps with time and small miracle -- that you could be taught to read. nor i with dogs. people marching and singing coming down the street -- going to pass near the horses. rifles -- one -- no three,. maybe more, on the roof. fijate. 94 buck, on his hands and knees, moans with pain as he attempts to crawl up the slope. 95 pike rides down to him,. swings off eis horse and stands looking down. you have no eyes. and he rises ahead with pike and'dutch across the tracks into mexico. hey, gringo; you take my share. don't kill me, gringo . por favor. take my share of the 'silver' -- but may he die the death of a thousand traitors. , my village is up there . in those mountains. i wish to visit my f amily. i can do it and meet you in agua verde a day of ter you get there. going this way, you will. have to turn east when you get south of the range. i-know the way to cross the mountains. i invite you to my village -- my home. any violence -- any disrespect -- and i will. kill you. tector and lyle look at him without expression for a moment, then:. yes. that enough. (after a long moment, where is mapache?; as you say, jefe - to agua verde and 'our business.' he's been here; 186 the horses put their ears back and whinny nervously as an incredible noise is heard off scene. the men snap their heads.around and look at: un gigante de miquina -- ha de tenor una fuerza tremenda. y el dueno -- un general por lo menos. as you wish. he turns away, pike grabs him, jerks him back, es el carrazo oficial excelencia el generalisimo mapache. dutch turns smiling and tells the others. we will if it takes a thousand years: then suddenly, he reacts to the sound of a girl's voice off scene. teresa; he reaches out and grabs the better looking of the two by the arm. djaste el pueblo; "she was my woman and she left the village., then i don't go along! they'll never leave. you see, it's their land -- and no one will, ever drive them away. would you give someone a gun to kill your mother, or your father, or your brother? 231, dutch looks at pike. pike thinks it over. both have. another pull on the bottle. no -- you gringos are no different. i have seen how lyle takes care of his brother. he takes the bottle, drinks, then throws it on the rocks. my people don't have guns so mapache takes the food out of their mouths and clothes off their backs. with guns my village could fight, if i could take guns to my people i would go with you -- but not just for gold, 232 the men are momentarily silent. angel lifts a bucket of water, spills part of it on his head, passes it to sykes who drinks a little of the water, spits it out, puts the bucket down, pours two bottles of tequilla into it, drinks. again -- smiles, passes it to angel, who drinks and passes it on. i would take guns . if mapache found out, you would say i stole them, i' will:. tanto gusto, senorita. yo v07; pike hesitates, then turns back to the throttle. 27.6 dutch ducks as shots from the guard splinter wood nearh=s face. he is barely able to hang on. and. is slipping down closer to' the rails. men from my village will meet us tomorrow. pike looks up, angered. i. don't need to tell them. they know where we are. this country has many people, but they have learned to live without being seen. anyplace where a farmer has a field . or a man has sheep in the moun-€- .tains. or a boy watches a herd of goats. my people are here for the guns. pike looks at him then looks around the camp. ignacio?. quien hablas por mi pueblo? distinctly indian voices answer from the surrounding tangled undergrowth. they have come for the guns. vengan, muchachos they apologize and ask you to forgive them for their lack of trust but only by caution do they remain alive -- lievas€una caja de rifles. i won't. pike looks at ignacio waiting to take the crate, the man's machete glints in the moonlight. what ? cuanto tiempo nos sigas? they've been. with us since we left the big plain. he says those others went to a little. ranch. no s. yo los robe mientras dormian.