well, just dig it out and see. if it ain't my,. 06 s he's lying'. him and them others was shootin' that old 'employee' full of holes while i was droppin' this bandit and them others too -- i must've killed all three of 'em, sir, while -- i knowed i wounded' three -- but i wasn't sure about -- deke - you rode with. pike -- what kind of a man are we up against? "what will he do? maybe they'll split up. why not ?. harrigan ' said something about thirty days -- that culvert -- good place for them ----to make an ambush. all clear"'-- from here on, its mexico, mr, thornton. mexicans -- what else. headquarters for huerta regulars. fighting obregon, led by an old time bandit named mapache. thornton thinks about this, then mounts and rides back in the direction they have come from. don't-we follow? they say freddy sykes is with them -- you rode with the old man, didn't you, mr. thornton -- you and pike and the old man? but thornton rides on and doesn't answer. somemex kid's probably ridin' him home right now, dollars to doughnuts that same kid that's ridin' t.c.'-s horse is wearing your-boots right now, if you're€asking me, i think we ought'a go after them bandits and make that swim. worth something. are we going after-them? there wasn't but one way they could have taken a wagon out of there, this here is it. $1000 dead or alive. i got him -- i got him.' thornton is silent, his face bitter. 436 pike grabs the glasses,. watches the bounty hunters ride after sykes. lots of blood over here -- then it stops and no tracks. don't look like nobody was ever. here, it's them. em. _hey, thornton, should we load up? you ain't comin'? ----.no we 9.11 pick him up on the way -- i -want to-get out. of this goddamned place -- anyways these boys will start going ripe on us by tomorrow --. we got to' move -- you sure you ain't coming? coffer shrugs and drinking out ofa half-full tequi.lla bottle, rides off, followed by the others who ignore thornton as completely as he does them,