make you feel welcome? itd like to transfer to another unit -- there seems to be dissension in the ranks. let. me, ma'am. dutch picks up the package, pike offers the lady his arm. she hesitates, accepts. pike and dutch, followed by the others, lead her across the 'street. how in hell could they have known we were coming? where do we go? deke thornton. 'he changed -- you didn't.' what's our next move? ,-while you was getting your bell rope pulled by -- by two -- mind you, two -- hondo whores -- while pike's dreaming of washers - you're matching two of them -- in tandem and the wild bunch falls apart in laughter -- even pike is caught, but as he laughs, he knows that they are together again. yeah, i helped run a little copper -- nothing for us there except day wages, if it was running now -- which it ain't. why in hell are you still goin'? you -never gave it :a chance9 pike. you got a halfway hard mouth, partner. just don't give me, no lectures. they are silent -- finally: back off to what? any real ideas for a next one? pike closes his eyes and leans back. that kind of information is kind of. rough to come by. you must have hurt that railroad pretty bad -- they spent a lot of time and money getting that ambush set up for us. pride, i guess and you -- and me --did we learn -- being wrong today? where'd you find him? - pike, i wouldn?t have it no other -way aither. we're not going to find much down here., that damned huerta' s scraped it clean. if you know a shorter way': show us. angel looks away and is silent for several seconds. that sounds right to me. and take what? tector thinks this over, doesn't answer. all soldiers - not a bounty hunter in sight. that could run a horse right into the ground. angel -- who does this thing belong to? the official carrazo of the pache generalisimo. continued seii cervesas. the girl leaves to' get the order. the men at the table look around the cantina. at a nearby table a group of men are throwing dice and laughing loudly. the mariachis are gather- ing around mapache. lyle shifts in his chair to look at them. 198 mapache is laughing and drinking. the german. leans close to zamorra and speaks in spanish. i'm down to about twenty in silver. generalisimo hell -- he's just a damn bandit grabbing all he can for himself. no sir -- we don't.hang nobody or torture them -- i hope the people here kick him and the rest of the scum like him right into-their graves. que pasa:: era su novia; the mexicans immediately respond to dutch's explanation. both z.amorra and mapache smile. -no -- were not associated with anyone. i'm sure. 219 dutch follows pike to angel where they lift him off the floor. i don't see how you stand it very 'noble . one load of guns isn't going to stop him from raiding villages. you ought to be thinking about all that money you'll have. a small bag. one -- a very small ranch. salud'. how many cases of rifles did zamorra say were in that shipment? give him one. __-he'll have to show up with us. when we deliver,. mucho gusto, senorita. you never told me how you got all tore up like that. 236 pike reflects for a moment. his face is almost white.; then he reaches in his saddle bag and pulls out a bottle. he drinks, passes the bottle to dutch. you didn't catch up with him? they're coming; 269 gorch on front of the. locomotive whirls around and looks back for an instant as dutch yells. the two guards jump for their weapons. lyle turns back,'watches them, then kills both as they pick up their rifles. we're ready! what about thornton and them others? still heading east. i'd say they missed it. only five left -- didn't figure them to come down after us. how much can we be worth? mapache' s? oyel jefe, ven to solitol don't you think you should tell your soldiers? the mexican makes a face as if he doesn't understand. show.him& 373 tector and lyle jerk the tarp off. ti machine gun. lyle arms it. 371k. herrera. looks at the gun and his eyes widen. he. turns, we haven't heard from tectnr. grenade -€ you pull this pin then throw it and find a hole- from what. i hear it gets the job done. {.calling) any trouble? how's the, generalis imo? we brought the last of it. mapache gestures. zamorra hands two bags of coin to dutch who opens theca -- locks - it's gold. at the head of the.arroyo -- in the wagon. zamorra speaks to herrera, who rides off with ten or twelve soldiers. fourteen. we lost two on the trail. i'm wasting time here. he's a thief,-- you take care of him. yeah. he turns and rides off, angel watching him. yeah - he played his string out right to the end. sykes says we got to go after him. thornton - they got sykes. he's hit bad. daum deka thornton to hell. gave his word to a railroad. that ain.'t what counts -- it's who you give it t o l l we take our gold? goodbye,. thornton. 455 zamorra gestures and juan jose crosses. to them.