pike? mr. benson. o without the railroad this place would still be a lousy little pueblo, so don't make any threats to me; we represent the law! i can. assure you that there won't be any more trouble. . my men will follow -- i pulled. you out of jail to get- that bunch -- and you failed -- what.makes you think there'll be a next time for you? what makes you think you're not going back behind bars for twenty more years? thornton's face twists as he hears again the clanging of cell doors and the whimpering of prisoners. you have 30 days to get him -- or 30 days to yuma. you're my judas goat, mr. thornton. use them -- lead them -- get pike -- then kill them off. when you come back, i: want all of them head down over a saddle. (pointing to the bunkhouse the hard money value of the men killed less my commi.sson amounts to. one hundred and fifty dollars. 104 the men mumble and shift. harrigan holds up four wanted posters. the bounty hunters move closer for a better look. bishop. .engstrom. .lyle and tector gorch. are worth a total of four thousand five hundred dollars -- and you let them all ride outs any one'of these pelts would not only clear you with the company,.but would mean a bundle of cash to raise hell with. harrigan stands, crosses to the door. there won't be any tonight -- you move after them in ten minutes -- get them -- get pike and youtre rich. . but if one of you quits on me i'll pay a thousand dollar bonus to the man who kills him. 105 the men silently begin to pack their belongings. harrigan motions to thornton, then exits. why should i let you go with them? you could just ride off -- even join him again -- you'd like that, wouldn't .you? we'll -see what it's worth -- five minutes. and you want to gamble everything this one shipment will be attacked?! if?! why not juarez? the train will be guarded by regular troops!! you'll get the job done with what you have -- that'p our bargain. (then looking at the