(reaching for the and if the gringos object --? i.coming,. we are friends. all of us. i bring love and affection from el general -- we are comrades -- you and he -- all of us. 365 pike, dutch and the others watch silently as he rides up to the wagon. 366 herrera stops and removes his hat', smiles, looks at. the heavily loaded wagon. que bueno -- what bravery you. have.to have done this magnifi cent act for the liberty of mexico. angel laughs, spits, herrera.looks at him for a moment, smiles, shrugs, turns to pike. i am to escort you to the general. 367 nobody answers and none of the guns pointed at him are lowered, he seems undisturbed. tell me what is you wish? i hear -- i am coming,- my friend. , q uidado.1 heyl. very smarts:: that's very smart for you-damn gringos. so nobody can rob the guns! why? i am not afraid,,,they are not afraid -- you blow up the wagon you die -- or we kill you pretty soon -- but we are amigos __ oyen muchachos3,.,tienen la .caretta como bomba.con unfisible; ,,.y machina38 still smiling he turns back to pike and dutch. el general. waits an agua-verde, to meet with you, muchachos. 377 fifty soldiers from hidden positions on top of both sides of the arroyo ride out and look down. s , mi. general. f. he turns,'barks orders to his men, then mounts and rides out, followed by twenty soldiers.