too damn many. crazy bastards -- both of you l tector follows his brother, cursing. 101 pike and dutch look at each other silently -- try to grin -- finally make it -- then follow. the bunch is attentive, but now certain that they are not being closely followed, they can relax a little. pike and dutch are side by side. old friends? i thought he was your partner? say -- i've heard it's like the.old times in argentina. 3utch cassidy down. there making a killing. what's so 'lindo° about it. about the sharing up. (whining; pointing to you hear me, pike? -- i said it ain't fair. pike stands,. flips the knife into the ground, faces the brothers. ah.--' pike, you know. no, sir -- we divide just as you say. pike looks at them a moment, then picks up his knife and alicea open a bag and -turns it upside down and dumps the contents onto the spread-out poncho watching as: washers. we shot our way out of that town for a dollar's worth of steel holes. he kicks into the pile and scatters washers across the clearing. who the hell is 'they!!? (as pike doesn't answer; all your fancy planning and talk damn near got us shot to pieces for.some lousy bags of washers. now this was goin.' to be our last job before we head south . we spent all our time and money getting ready for this. he --.he was making plans while me and tector was -- he breaks up and can't continue. riding with 'brother pike' and old .man sykes makes a man wonder if it ain't time to pick up his chips and-find another game. (dismounting, joining i think he can go straight to hell. you got a sister? i would be proud to.make her acquaint- ance -- and. that of your mama, too. run on steam? hey,. boy. you know them cuties? teresa recognizes him,: then pulls away, well,. .i don't need no bath. tector and me need'some of them senoritas. how 'bout that boy, can you fix us up? more than enough to go around. and then some! he turns" and beckons to pike and dutch who, with sykes, are carrying angel out of the saloon, but they ignore him. the dons of spain built-this some three hundred years ago -- he belches, then looks about in awe at the huge casks. (as the torrent pours over them removing his it'll be a cold day in hell 'fore -i do that again. - and suddenly they are all laughing. whatta you want with the dynamite? -you know how to work one of these things? pike stands,,then grins a little-and crosses to the wagon. listen, old man take the watch. -- 403 dutch, carefully examining two grenades, looks up as te c for gorch. moves up the bank of the wash. he's been gone a 1 ong time what's t ha t? . we could have used a fear of them in san rafael. well, he had guts -- her own mama turning him in -- just like judas -- 423 pike looks at him a long moment, then turns away. we kin stay right up here and kick hell out of 'em. pike turns and. looks over the camp. you're'cra-zy:. he'd just as soon kill us as break wind. just thinking about him is asking .for trouble. you said dos for two. why not? pike turns and moves through. his room. tector and lyle follow. behind them the.woaian begins her complaints again.