qua basura es este? mapache again. kicks angel. qua diga? a la conquistat.,. pike nudges lyle who raises his glass; the other men follow suit. mohr smiles and elegantly raises a drink. i"give you someone much better. (shouting towards the mountain in bring them back with you -- over- come their objections -- reason with them - convince them of our good intentions. herrera in spanish) and if they still object? mapache. kill them; 3?+8 herrera salutes and leaves. mapache gestures:and the others. quickly jump aboard the train. mapache is the last, looking, back at the hills with hatred as the villistas charge and we:. matalo l pues l. . - gringo 1. you bring the- guns l ya estan los gringos y las armas l` . donde estan las arthas? zamorra looks up at pike. you fight con mapache,h, g macho _dinero -- muchachas bonitas -- la vida dulcet (to pike in como no? he stole them. . he stole them for his people. the mother of his girl told us. i lost the girl, so now she gives me an angel. no lo matez b. lo quiero vivo supieron ellos? next time be more careful who you shoot -- the mother of your sweetheart became angry when you killed her daughter. -- so she betrayed you -- que fam-ilia, eh? continued y angel? dame lo. un vieje bien. los bandi'dos gringos. come here, oyen muchachos'.quiere comprar el traidor este ; - the soldiers respond with laughter. how much?. he don't look. wotth too much. levantasel two men jerk angel to his feet. he is groggy and unre= sponsive. maybe he won't live too long'. five gringos want to take our guns maten los. hey, bandidos? what you want?. you want him,? he takes a knife and cuts the rope binding. angel's hands. 471. angel-barely able to stand, reacts with disbelief. 472 pike and djtch watch without a movement, without a sound.