do you know these americans? are you men in agua verde for business? you must have been associated with the american army, is that riot so? tector and lyle snicker slightly at the remark. mapache and zamorra turn, listening carefully to the conversation. the cantina is silent. i see,. 1 was curious because of.the equipment which you are carrying. that pistol is restricted for use'by army personnel. it can't be purchased or even owned. legally. you're surprised at my interest? weapons are a specialty of mine. mohr bows his head slightly and clicks his heels barely audib3y, i am commander frederick mohr-of the imperial german. army. for the last six- months i have been in mexico helping fight against the revolutionaries. 212. angel on the floor is conscious, but uimoving., listening to what is being said. several of mapache's men stand around him. unfortunately your government has chosen to aid the rabble in their so-called struggle for liberty. they are aiding in diplomatic channels. it would be very useful to us if we knew of americans who did not share their government's naive sentiments. generalisimo, i think we should ask these gentlemen to have a drink with us. and pike, understanding. that much spanish, smiles as we. president huerta is anxious to better relations with the u.s. -- not destroy them. - sie haben die geware gestclen! it is important this news be kept from villa until the guns are in our hands. my general -- if they are success ful in this venture possibly they can be useful in others, mapache thinks this over, turns to herrera. nearby another man is hit and falls. i understand you have a machinegun it must be mounted on the tripod. mapache ignores them,.' grabbing the butt of the gun. er ist dock verrukt