them others ain't comin'? none of 'em? 111 pike takes the bags out of the corral to the fire that burns near an adobe wall and drops them on a poncho, watches as the others do the same. but i got horses and gear for all them fellers like you said -- 'they?': by 'they, are just plain and fancy 'they.' 'they.' caught you, didn't they? tied a tin can to your tail -- didn't they? lead you in and waltzed you out -- oh my what a bunch -- big tough ones -- standing around with a handful of holes -- a thumb up your ass and a big grin to pass the time of day with. 122 tectorswings at him, but the old man ducks, then falls and rollsaway, still laughing. tector starts'to follow, pike stepsbetween them. deke thornton? -- he was with. them? that was a mighty fine talk you gave the boys 'bout stickin' to- gether. (as pike doesn't that gorch was near killin' me or me him -- by god, that's the way i see it -- that's the way it's always been with me. sorry 'bout deke - never figured him that way, back in. san. rafael -- my boy how' d. he do? they ride for a while in silence as: pike. thinks this over, finally:. _ c.l. -- clarence lee -- my daughter's boy ---not too bright, but a good boy -- he handle higself all right? -- i told him -- you do -- just what mister bishop says -- did he conduct hisself well? well, you had enough on your mind he had to pull his weight just like the rest of us -- just wanted to know he didn't let you down -- run. when things got hot -- hell, you ain't so old; partner. joe --'by god i like you. i like a man who tells the truth. 'who'.s going to buy -- looks to me like. this place has been picked clean. pike. .i heard about one they got up north that. kin fly; pike nods sagely. te.ctor gorch on the other side of the car hears the remark. listen, bog, you ride the trail with us your village don't count -- if it does- -you jest don't go along. , i'll drink to that sentiment -- and to. love -- but when all is said and done -- i!11 drink to -- gold. let him find out.' mr. bishop -- you know as well as i there ain't no way of collecting from mapache 'cept off a lot of dead bodies -- mostly ours, the way he thinks. pike considers this -- looks at the old man, finally nods . son of a bitch. where's the general supposed to meet us? - don't count on him stayin' t.ere. - you know him --.i know him he'll be along. (as pike steps off the they fought-'paches for a thousand years -- that's a sure way to .learn. pike must have found you. under a rock somewheres. nope - but you better hope i don't get riled enough to start . ggin' you when this is over. we'll see. didn't expect to find you here, deke. they didn't et far -- i reckon not. well,, come along -- we got some work to do -- it ain't like it used to be,. but it's better than nothing. 513. thornton takes a deep breath, then half grins, unties his horse, then mounts and follows.