i never enlisted to serve with no smart-mouthed kid. well,. he was a good man -- just more of texas as far as i'm concerned. and i figure a 'share to that old man for watching the horses is a share too much. ll& pike takes a knife out of his belt, opens a saddle bag,. takes out a sack of silver, kneels to slit the bag open. rings:, steel rings! how in hell are you going to side any- body if you can't get on a horse. 152 pike looks at them, then steps onto the makeshift stirrup and mounts, concealing his pain, taking a few seconds to gather up the reins and position himself. in the b.g., dutch swings onto his horse. probably wants to get a bunch of his _people and waylay us! and your grandmaw too, sonny. angel looks at them, then mounts, rides toward the mountains i was just going to touch th.,e damn thing, not marry it. probably talking about us behind our backs. 200 dutch turns to pike who is quaffing a large beer. hey! . here come our sweeties! itm all for them dons'. 229 tector suddenly swings a mattox on to a six foot cask which rests on top of two others of equal height, it bounces out of his hand. he draws his gun and fires as does lyle. liquid gushes down. 229a lyle steps under it, lifts his face, drinks, then drags: his lady beside him. they just got engaged. 234 for a moment the group:is frozen,-looking at the.bride to be, her bridesmaid and:the best man. and groom,. then all stand., together and bow. well, we got all them guns,. pike. pike -- take--a look -- hell, i forgive them! i just want to join 'em! 389 pike joins dutch and they watch quietly. they have mis- trusted people for so long themselve,g they can understand mistrust in others. freddy sykes laughs s.oi'tly. 390 angel and the indians cross to the wagone: you'll never get a chance to dry gulch me, old man. pike's co min 1 if i. didn't bury it, i wouldn't know where to look. and here's.your dos and one'to grow on 'cause y ou did real well, honey.