harrigan:. he shot the old an - because i'm all you've got because i know him. because you know i'll get him -- i'll kill him rather than go-back. caught up enough to know we've overstayed our welcomes how can you be. so damned sure? he shakes off the girl, crosses to a sideboard, pours a drink. tell me, mr. harrigan.-- how does it feel? getting paid for it? -getting paid to sit back and hire your killings with the law's arms around you? how does it feel to be so damned right;? what i like and what i. need are two different things. i need good men: you saw what happened today. v all rightt. .how many of you killed this one? (as the others yell in this pelt should clear you up -- take him back to town. and tell harrigan to get me a list of every army garrison and payroll schedule on the border. we got another half hour of light and they might be just up ahead counting their money. not close enough. they're across the border by now. - the best -- you can saddle up or shut up -- take your choice -- that's what i have to figure. no -- not 'that. bunch. they'll try again. - - he'll be back. that's what he said, go on - ride up and find out. coffer hesitates, his -ayes wide with fear. thornton draws his gun, pulls back the hammer. next time i want advice from any of you scum i'll ask for it -- until then, keep . your mouths shut and do what y-ou' re to ld% what's the closest town of any size2 what's in agua verde? no -- we wait. 'twenty-eight days. you have something to say? coffer instantly lifts his hands in submission and shakes his head. then, after a moment: ride ahead, all of you. and they do, riding toward harrigan as we., if they're in agua verde that's what - --they'll go for. because we would have heard::. if they are in agua verde they will have seen mapache. a killer for huerta who calls himself a.general.-- with enough guns he can become a power in northern mexico - my guess is pike will try and get them f or € him. not regulars --.green recruits and not. worth a damn! i'll need twenty trained men -- not recruits or this gutter trash you.'ve given me. steal as some grub -- i got the horses. 33. the menwhirl around at the s o and of thornton' s voice, "them soldiers" are going to get us all if they ever get the chance. who started firing at them? the men look at one another momentarily. how many rifles? and how much ammunition? we'll use what we got. we are; -- unless youtd like to go back. and face a firing squad. your problem. now;; and they jump as we: they didn.'t take it out. they know what this is all about -- and. what. do i have -- nothin' but you damned egg sucking chicken stealing gutter rats -- with less than 60 rounds of ammunition be- tween you, you'll take it! you don't even have enough sense to keep your damned boots on. we're after men' -- and i wish to god i was with them. you make any more mistakes and i'm going to ride off and let you die. they are silent looking at the ground -- after a moment, thornton turns his horse and rides off slowly. they follow. movin' fast -- looks like they bluffed off about 50 federal es -- why due east? well, let's go find out. i don't give a damn about you -- but i. do about the stock. he turns and slides down. the bluff. coffer and t.c. look at each. other, then follow. it'll take us a day to find him if he is -- if he isn't, he's holding a gun on us right now. 438 the ian tense,-their weapons coming up. we'll go after the others. jess, you come back tomorrow and watch the buzzards. they'll show you where he is -- you might even get a pair of. boots. jess thinks this over and grins, then the smile fades. your problem. he turns his horse and rides away,. the others following, 439 sykes, hidden in the rocks and brush above them,€slowly lowers his rifle and sags back. his leg is dark with dried blood and he's weak. around the wound is a crude bandage made from his shirt -- with a tourniquet twisted tightly above it. after a moment, there is a noise and he looks away at: army patrol -- coming this way. instantly the men mount and ride out. you'd have.one hell of a time proving that.a week from now, in texas. suit yourself, why. not -- i sent 9 em.back -- that's all i said i'd do. don't know -- does.it make any difference? drift around down here -- try and. stay out of jail --