no. the german settles back in his.chair and. begins placing a cigarette in a holder. why did he try to kill his excellency? la.muchacha,. gentlemen., we are quite well organized and well able to pay $10,000 in gold. if you are not able to do the work we will find someone else, our accountant will arrange everything. porque no? zamorra yells to juan. jose, an aide, standing nearby. oye!. traeles unas viejas! andale! par favor. mapache ignores them. juan,€rushing'toward mapache, almost falls as herrera jerks him to a halt. (beginning to panic as the firing grows our accountant will pay you immediately. zamorra turns and yells to herrera. trae la caja! trae las armas herrera runs for his horse. esperate. how many cases did you take 'from the train? two cases short -- one bag, por favor. 419. dutch thinks about this very. briefly, then tosses him a bag. we kept his share of the gold. el g3neralisimo is happy with victory!. zamorra grabs a bottle of tequilla ofd' the table and tosses it to pike. go and drink. .there are women in. the village. but don't be foolish. and change his mood. 454 pike holds the bottle and looks at the table, seething with anger. then,. suddenly he calms.