c'mon now baby, you can do it. just try to keep those legs together. excuse me? i am, yes, but. nice take off, gotta work on the landing. no such word as 'can't. now do it again. only better. have either of you seen my video camera? i had it at the dive meet, i'm sure. ladies, gentlemen, friends, raise a glass to marie, on her eighteenth birthday. she's become every inch of the woman her mother hoped she'd be. wherever she is now, julie's looking down and smiling. and that's why, on your eighteenth birthday, marie, i know your mother wanted you to have. she wanted you to have. a wonderful birthday party surrounded by all your friends. please excuse me. it simply can't be done. in all construction there's delays. you have my word, mr. barajas, the building is almost finished. just give me a week, two tops. marie! shouldn't you be with your friends? i'll be right there. with your gift. just. wait outside, ok? what the hell's going on here? party's over. i'm going to the condos. sleep it off, whydontcha? not enough. just not enough. fuck me. what are you doing here? is that my. camera? enough's enough. i think it's time you left. you're best friends are you? gimme the camera back. what are you doing here at this time of night? when we admit our mistakes we grow. you've made an important step. meet me at the museum. before school tomorrow. now go home, get some sleep, i'm gonna finish up here. you really think you're ready for your inheritance? you're the only one who can open that lock, but i'm the one with the key. she wanted you to have the diamonds when you were responsible enough to know what to do with them. really? underage drinking, prying into my personal affairs, fighting. they're yours when i say they're yours. for the time being, i've got some major problems at the construction site. deadlines have to be met. we'll talk again when you've done some growing up. please, don't fight me on this. we're team clifford, remember? can i help you, officer? there must be some mistake, this isn't possible. i didn't do anything, i swear. who's 'she'? you've gotta believe me, i would never, could never do anything like this, you know that don't you? that's my girl. it's ok honey. michael and i are old pals. how's the divorce treating you? she had my camcorder. recorded what happened. it should still be at the construction site. it'll clear my name. i took it from her. she was far too young to be drinking! c'mon now baby, you can do it. no such word as can't. fuck me. just try to keep those legs together. i'm gonna lose this trial. you had your chance. if we're gonna win at all costs, we're gonna have to change the game. do you have it? i couldn't care less. the diamonds. if that's what it takes, then that's what it takes. all my assets are tied up in the condos, marie. we have to pay this girl off, make her testify that she faked the tape, faked the evidence. as soon as i'm out of here, you'll have them back. i swear. i know people, who can. persuade her to hand them over. more wrong than what she's doing to us? we're team clifford, right? you know i'm not guilty. you know i could never do anything like this. so do the right thing and get me out of this hellhole. no such word as 'can't.' please. you can't do this to me! you can't. you can't! she want to pin me for some more crimes? you've noticed some inconsistencies? here's one big fucking glaring inconsistency for you: i was set up! what is this, the spanish inquisition? how the fuck should i know? manipulative little skank probably figured she could bleed me for some more money down the road. but i'll tell you this much, i'm gonna get those diamonds back, make her wish she was never born. well, well, well. who'd have thought. what a pleasant surprise. i guess you guys have kissed and made up? your mom hocked them years ago. boozed it all away. you already know the end of her sorry story. so, to what do i owe the pleasure? of course you do. of course you do. you will? is that what i think it is? how do i know it's the real tape? i've been down that road before. i can't. fine. 08-20-99. been better. no idea. everything's gone. repossessed. guess there's nowhere to go but up. i don't think so, but thanks. ain't got nowhere to go. poor detective morrison. it's hard to do that to a friend. especially one going through such a nasty divorce. told me he'd never trust another woman as long as he lived. and then along came a spider. more like widows. gotta say i was a little taken aback when you wanted to snuff marie, but you know what, i'm over that'd be fine, just fine. she's got a good head on her shoulders. you two got me out of a mountain of shit, i'll tell you that. craziest goddamn scheme i've ever heard of. but hell, you played it perfectly. well, all that nasty business, it's behind us. forever. from here on out, it's the good life. you two look so good, it's difficult to tell which one's the mother and which one's the daughter. what did you say? i don't. whattya talking about? oh. shit. i don't remember. who the hell. what? what the hell do you mean? how'd you. how'd you know all this. we? c'mon now baby, you can do it.