good morning, my name is kristen richards. i'm an officer for the miami juvenile parole board, as some of you already know. but that's not what brings me here today. when i heard about principal mosster's sex education program i thought i'd volunteer my own personal story, in hopes that you might learn from the mistakes i made. back in high school all i wanted to do was get drunk, stoned and laid. by my junior year, my life was a blur of cheap beer, anonymous sex, partying every night of the week. and then, one night at some pathetic frat party, someone slipped a roofie in my drink. and raped me. there isn't a day goes by my skin doesn't crawl when i think of the violation and humiliation i endured. i can promise you that if you make the same kind of wrong- headed choices i did, you'll be seeing dr. borman. ask away. uh, no, actually, i was never able to make a positive id. all i remember was his alcohol-soaked breath whispering in my ear, "you won't remember, but you'll never forget" elena. could you tell me what happened? please, detective, this isn't the right time. if you're telling the truth, you won't find a more sympathetic ear. and if you're not, there's gonna be trouble, you understand? sexual predators often keep a trophy. maybe he recorded the rape. miss richards. kristen. miami parole. was just in town for a couple days checking in on some parolees when all this went down. she might not be lying, you know. just a look in her eye. i. i have some experience. it's a long shot. used to play at being a spider when i was a kid, creeping around silently. guess i haven't grown out of it. the forensics lab will have time to look at it now. the feds have taken over the black widow case. call detective morrison. now. what did she just say? elena. open up. elena? hello? detective morrison. call me kristen. elena's fucking with us. i know all about it. especially having something stolen. like my life. once a thief, always a thief. no, mr. clifford. i just have a few questions. i've noticed some inconsistencies. maybe so, but that's not good enough. why were you set up? what would elena sandoval have gained from all this? but elena's testimony was damning. why wouldn't she play ball? i was wondering if i could have a moment of your time. ask a couple questions. it'll only take a moment, marie. might even help jay. remember your loving stepfather? you want to help him, don't you? why'd you agree to part with your diamonds? jay told me. but why? they were your inheritance. team clifford. right. it's just. you must've been pretty unhappy when jay didn't give you those diamonds for your birthday. you're 18. that's heiress payday, no? must've crossed your mind that jay might never let you have them. and then this little scam artist saunters in and just takes them. with your help, no less. but what i don't get is, why wouldn't elena do what jay asked, clear his name? after all, she'd gotten what she wanted. i mean, the only way i can make sense of it is if somehow getting jay released from prison would spoil the plan. you tell me. i was wondering if you'd do me the favor of running a quick test. could you tell me what this is? are these the evidence photos from the elena sandoval rape? ever find out what caused these markings? they don't look like finger nail markings to me. they look more like this. would you say these markings are the same? marie gave it to me. but you already knew that, didn't you, doc? been there. done that. when this is all over, i'd like that. right back at ya. you could have a helluva holiday on that money. what the hell. elena. which way, which way. you okay? care to explain? i told you. that if you were telling the truth i'd back you all the way. if you lied to me there'd be trouble. just swerved for no reason. just decided to take a shortcut through the swamp? that's two strikes, elena. one more and you're out. yeah. yeah you will. her arrest doesn't guarantee jay'll be cleared, you know that. you need marie, you need the proof they set him up. you came so close to nailing the black widow, don't let this slip through your fingers, detective. speak of the devil. you're gonna answer it. and you're gonna say that everything went fine. no one found chad's body. the plan's still on. do you understand me? this is your chance. feds can't take this one from you. tell her she has to meet you. tell her she can't leave. where'd you keep the wire taps? gimme the key. come on, elena. keep pushing. it's gonna end. one way or another. she's been made. i got us into this. runs towards the unfinished building, looking up to the uv glow on the fourth floor. she sprints for the industrial elevator. stands in the industrial elevator, jabbing the 4th floor button, hyperventilating as more gunshots explode. she clutches morrison's shotgun to her chest, getting closer to the top floor. i didn't have a choice. she was gonna kill elena. just got off the phone with the parole board. they want me to bring elena back to miami in the morning. i'm. sorry for this whole mess. you did the right thing. now that this is all over, maybe we can have that drink soon. i can't believe morrison just handed me the key to the evidence locker. these are. genuine? they're. so beautiful. the daughter. a black widow. my job was easy. it was elena who had to keep it all together. that's just the roofies talking. delta chi, class of '88. hellova party. i'd never really tasted cocktails like that. it was like being awake though an operation. i could feel everything happening, but i couldn't do anything to stop it. you took something from me that night. but you left something behind. your daughter. you may not remember. let's go get our money. we got problems. leave it. come on! he gonna be able to make an id? forget it. the black widow's finally got an angle on our real prey. he won't know what hit him. that's an awful lot of money. not enough though. gonna need those diamonds if you're gonna ride out this disaster. the building's built on a sink hole, jay. you know it, and i know it. gonna need to think fast if you wanna keep the cubans off your back. it's what we do. you're blocking our sun. this is our biggest score. you sure you can move it? let's see the green. it's over. we had a good run.