you understand the seriousness of this allegation, young lady? and you know that we'll leave no stone un- turned in the investigation. there'll be a battery of forensics tests you'll have to take, humiliating stuff. and background checks, digging up all kinds of dirt. and you'll have to testify in court, face the man you're accusing. you sure you want to go through with this? no harm, no foul, you can just walk away right now. this is already trouble. the man you're accusing happens to be a friend of mine, and when the dna tests prove you're lying i'm gonna come down on you like a ton of bricks, mark my words. jay. marie. mr. bloom. would you mind waiting outside while me and your stepdad have a little chat. she's taken me for everything i'm worth. i swear to god, i'm never trusting another woman as long as i live. look, we're taking her statement right now, gonna run every forensic test in the book. guarantee the case'll come apart like a $2 watch. you'll be outta here by tonight. i'm sorry? and maybe he didn't. we'll never know. tape's mangled. forensics said it'd take months to fix it. we were never properly introduced. michael morrison. you think maybe you could lean on the girl? get her to drop this nonsense? we all know she's lying. with all this black widow shit going down, we just don't have the time or manpower to. what makes you think that? what the hell? what is it? fine. just do it. not a fan of 'hey, how you doing', are you? goddamn gloryhounds. they knew i was close. they just want to come in and take all the credit. chad, i got a rush job for you. feds are movin' in. they'll be taking over by the case by the end of the week. you find anything on that tape, you let me know, ok? and make sure you get that money back into the evidence locker. this couldn't wait 'til morning, miss richards? the feds just arrived to take over the black widow case, i'm up to my knees in paperwork. ". but you'll never forget." what about it? just so you know, this is called 'breaking and entering'. like what? you look like you could use a drink. that's not my job, agent dammers. i appreciate the help. recovered from the black widow's last score. if i'd gotten to the scene just five minutes earlier, i woulda gotten her as well. accident my ass. forensics finds the head trauma that killed chad borman was inflicted by a single blow from behind. was that before or after you dragged him through the swamp? you got the right to remain silent, which in your case is probably best, cos of the shit you come up with. keep bleeting, missy. all the way to the judge. i think its time he heard the truth about jay clifford's accuser. you thinking what i'm thinking? evidence locker. she's gonna blow it. this has gotta end. stay here. just stay in the car! please. sweeps through the second floor, meticulously checking every corner, every shadow. enters the third floor from the fire escape, continues his meticulous sweep of the building. runs up the fire escape stairs when a final deafening gun shot rings out. followed by screams. he rips open the fourth floor fire door, tearing through the building, pushing through thick plastic sheeting until he finds himself under the uv glow. it's gonna be okay. don't be. it was my gun that fired the shots, so it must've been me who pulled the trigger. i'll take the credit on this one. after all the black widow crap i had to put up with, i've earnt it. we did the right thing. i will. i will. how you holdin' up, jay? so what's next? i can't help but feel partially responsible. if there's anything i. can i at least give you a ride somewhere? but up, right? uh, kristen, it's michael again. haven't heard from you. hope you're doing okay. everything's fine here. haven't been any questions asked that i can't answer, an' no one's brought your name up. so give me a call back and maybe we can go for that drink. what the hell, dammers? it's. gone. but how. what in god's name are you talking about? i didn't have anything to do with it! holy shit. kristen. this is detective morrison, blue bay pd. i was wondering if you had a forwarding number for kristen richards. kristen richards. she's one of your officers. has cases up here in blue bay. no, of course there is. i worked with her personally. i. oh no. no, no, no. she was the black widow. her and that little. played me like a fool. you smug son of a bitch. it's not like you knew who she was anymore than i did. what did you say? you and me both.