we're gonna sue their asses til time runs backwards. this is most egregious, detective, my client has pressing matters at his construction site. he can't afford to waste time with this frivolous nonsense. and why did you go to your stepfather's building site that night, miss clifford? and you say you saw miss sandoval leaving? and how would you describe her appearance? no further questions. i'm not so sure about that. the tape's a fake, right? so all we need to do is. i'm still dead set against this, jay. somewhere private, maybe? who's this? tomorrow you'll take the stand, tell the jury you faked the evidence, faked the tape. they're yours after you exonerate my client. when this is all over, you'll leave town. for good. i understand your parole term is up next week. may i suggest a little discretion, miss sandoval. certain. questions might be asked about this. arrangement if you were to. say. turn up to blue bay high wearing a tiara. it's your assertion that my client, mr. clifford forcibly sexually assaulted you on the night of the 25th. is that true? is that what you say happened? what. did you just say? isn't it true that you were inebriated during the assault, that it may not in fact have been mr. clifford. or anyone? mr. clifford, this is kristen richards, elena sandoval's probation officer. sir, we have no grounds for appeal. this could be our only chance.