anybody in particular? back to the land of grownups. i'd like that. the guidance counselor at blue bay? we understand your feelings, ms. van ryan. but please, we'd like some time with kelly. we'd like to take her statement alone. how are you, kelly? would you like to take a break for a minute? i know you do. we'd like to videotape the statement if that's all right with you. i know this is not pleasant, kelly. but these are serious charges and we need to know everything that happened between you and mr. lombardo. are you ready? take your time. i understand. was there penetration? did he put himself inside you? that's okay, kelly. you're doing fine. but i have to ask you something here. when you say it hurt. was this the first time a man was inside you? he was large? then what? you mean he withdrew. try, kelly. i don't know. it feels wrong. i think she's acting. i think she set it up to be alone with him because she wanted him to come on to her. i think maybe she's upset that he didn't. that doesn't make him a child rapist. there's something else. this girl's had some problems. wrecked a couple of her mom's cars. ran away. i worked juvenile in dade county for three years. we had a missing persons on kelly van ryan for two weeks. maybe a year ago. the family kept it out of the papers. all i'm saying is, i think we should go slow here. you know what that will mean for lombardo. well you were a big help. you know what's going to happen if we go full-bore on this. hunter's making it our job because sandra van ryan's got a bug up his ass. you know that as well as i do. we're gonna trash this guy's life and i keep asking myself if it's really necessary. and when you turned her toward the door, where did you expect her to go, without a car? did you call anyone? did you call her house to see if she got home? did you call the masons? weren't you a little worried about her? same as him. they saw her come. they saw her go. they saw him follow. we failed to mention the mower guy's a drunk, that he was after more beer and never really saw kelly go into the house, so he can't say how long she was in there. same with the kids. they saw her running down the street, but that's it. with no physical evidence, what do we have? her word against his. all i'm saying is, we let sandra van ryan push us too hard, we're going to wind up looking stupid. they say it was old man van ryan planted the melalucas to dry up the swamp. you can go up to one of those trees and peel the bark. you know what you get? more bark. and more bark. there's no core. tree's not good tar anything but sucking up water. and now they can't get rid of them. they've tried poisons. nothing works. they don't die. you're sure we're not lost? the skinny brunette. you mean camp sixty-nine. that's what they called it when i was in juvenile. it's a pretty dismal place. seems to me you left early, before we could meet. but hi, suzie. that bothers you? why is that? you can talk to us, suzie. that's why we're here. okay, suzie. we want you to tell us about the day mr. lombardo gave you and jimmy a ride. we need to tape the interview, suzie. no one will see it but us. now when was this, that mr. lombardo gave you the ride? he dropped jimmy off first? and when he arrived at your house, was anyone there? so you were alone. did he come in with you? suzie, look, i know you feel bad. i know it's harder to talk here than in your room, but we need to get it on tape. just tell us what you told us before. tell us the truth. at that point were you able to fight him off? what was that? you've got nothing to be scared of, suzie, just take a deep breath. lombardo's settlement? yeah, well, i told you they were gonna make us look stupid. maybe lombardo's attorney was saving the affair for the trial. unless what? why? you ask me, lombardo had it pretty good already, nice job in a beautiful setting, popular, an active social life. he's gonna put this all on the line for some dicey play like what you're describing. so what about the girls? suzie's poor, but why would kelly have to steal from her own mother? surely her father. this one's got you working overtime, hasn't it? eliminate the competition. where'd you come up with this stuff, anyway? which she might have saved, if she hadn't set out to destroy the man's life. you could say that. we all have. ray. we don't know anything yet. she could be anywhere. you have someplace to be? if you want company. two kids could've gotten into a fight, lost a couple of teeth. where's the body? her grandmother said she'd been threatening to run away. and i found the car at the miami bus terminal. we don't know that, ray. ray, you heard him. and if the teeth aren't suzie's? you'll give this up? suzie toller is missing. she didn't cone home last night. we found her car at the bus terminal, but nothing to suggest she bought a ticket. ray thinks she was murdered. you could tell me where you were last night. looks like goodbye. suzie? why didn't you tell us about this before the trial? i'm tired, ray. i'm going home. he's leaving the country. and i don't give a shit. it's homicide's job now, ray, let 'em do it. i'll tell you something else, there's more to this story than you know, ray. if suzie is dead, i think hunter may be on the right track. ray? shit. ray. what if something distracts it and it snaps anyway? i was wondering if i could ask you a few questions. actually, i was wondering if i might ask you about ray duquette. she still work there? was there ever any kind of investigation. and the child. suzie. then you're not her grandmother. so suzie and sandra van ryan were half- sisters. thank you for talking to me, ruby. i am sorry about suzie, she. i'm fine. nice tv. selling your boat? i wouldn't have guessed suzie was a sailor.