"no little girl can ever make me come." jesus. too bad. we might have some physical evidence. why? the line i get on this guy, is that he's done half the women in blue bay. where's this coming from? i want a full-scale investigation. i don't care. you heard that girl's statement. i think he's dirty. get me a case. nice speech. either of you buying? what about witnesses? and what do they say? christ almighty. that woman's calling me six times a day. i think you're onto something, ray. stay with it. you guess? did he or didn't he? and then what. he touched you? did you maybe flirt a little. what did you do then? suzie! did this man rape you? what happened to kelly lanier van ryan and susan marie toller that will forever change the lives of these two young women? what happened in those fifteen minutes alone with samuel lombardo? do you need more time? i know this is hard, kelly, but i have just one more question and even though its something we've been over, i want us all to be very clear about it. when you made the decision to stay at mr. lombardo's house, after he had offered you a ride. when you saw that he intended to have sex with you, what were your exact words? what did you say? and did he? i'm sorry. you said it hurt? why? ms. toller, did samuel lombardo rape you in your family's home on the 23rd of april last year? ms. toller? ms. toller. i'm asking you now, under oath, did samuel lonbardo rape you? i'm sorry? your honor. i must object. your honor. please. are you crazy, ray? ray. the conversation on this tape is totally unintelligible. what we have here, is you on the van ryan property, without a proper warrant, shooting a porn flick. listen, both of you. you're not on a case. there is no fucking case. i've had it up to here with sandra van ryan. ray, you keep mucking around like this and you are going to have her suing us for invasion of privacy. get out of these people's lives. am i getting through on this? oh, ray. no. mr. lombardo, please. i'm sorry about this. dust it for prints. my guess is, if anybody murdered suzie it was probably that little sociopath kelly van ryan. get off this ray, now. if there is any evidence here, it's for homicide. you get an id, you call me. she bit you? you didn't cuff her? suzie toller's teeth and blood were found near the area known as stoner rocks. suzie's blood was found in the van ryan range rover. this, in conjunction with evidence obtained by detectives duquette and perez has led this office to the conclusion that susan marie toller was murdered by kelly lanier van ryan.